Prof Wang Gang's PhD Student, Miss HUANG Duruo, won “The 2014 Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Award”

Miss HUANG Duruo, currently a PhD student in our department under the supervision of Prof. Gang Wang, was recently awarded the prestigious “Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Award”. The news was announced by the Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation (China) and the US-China Earthquake Engineering Foundation (USA) at the 9th China National Conference on Earthquake Engineering on 21 August, 2014 in Harbin.


The 2014 Scholarship Award was given to 10 graduate students in earthquake engineering from USA and China from a competitive pool of applicants. Each awardee receives a certificate and RMB 10,000 as recognition of significant achievement in earthquake engineering. Supervised by Prof Wang, Miss Huang was awarded for her innovative research in earthquake ground motions. She also becomes the first winner from Hong Kong since establishment of the award in 2010. More information about the Scholarship Award can be found in

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