CIVL Student Awarded The HKIE Scholarship 2022/23


HKIE Scholarship


Mr. CHEUNG Eugene Hon, undergraduate student majoring in Civil Engineering, was awarded The HKIE Scholarship 2022/2023.

The Scholarship recognizes full-time second year undergraduate students who has declared a major in a HKIE-accredited engineering programme with outstanding academic performances, with a view to identifying potential future engineers and encouraging them to take active participation in the HKIE activities. The prize-giving ceremony was held on February 18 at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members Reception.

Eugene performed exceptionally well during his 1st year of study at HKUST. He has maintained outstanding academic performance and received multiple scholarships and awards. Other than academic achievements, Eugene is also active in services and extra-curricular activities. Over the past year, he actively involved in the HKIE activities, including joining the HKIE Technical Seminar on Low Carbon Building Construction, attending the HKIE Webinar on Anti-Deception, and participating in Robocon 2023 Hong Kong Contest as a HKIE student helper.

Congratulations to Eugene!


Video from CHEUNG Eugene Hon in 2023: LINK




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