CIVL PhD Student Wins GeoShanghai 2024 Best Paper Award

Mr. Changyi YANG, a second-year PhD. student under the supervision of Prof. Jidong ZHAO, achieved great success by winning the Best Paper Award at GeoShanghai 2024, held in Shanghai, China, from May 26 to 29, 2024. His paper titled "Coupled peridynamic modeling of hydraulic fracturing in rocks", co-authored with Prof Zhao and Dr Fan Zhu (a former PhD student of Prof Zhao now at Kyoto University), showcases his outstanding research skills and dedication. This accomplishment has been recognized by the geotechnical engineering community, highlighting the breakthrough he has made on the research topic.

GeoShanghai is a renowned series of international conferences focusing on geotechnical engineering, held quadrennially in Shanghai. With successful events in 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018, the conference has attracted over 1600 participants. The 5th GeoShanghai International Conference in May 2024 aimed to showcase the latest advancements and foster collaborations in geotechnical engineering and related areas, providing a platform for engineering researchers like Mr. YANG to shine.

Congratulations to Mr. YANG on this well-deserved recognition!

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