Message from the Department Head

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering!
We are one of the very best civil and environmental engineering departments in the world. Our faculty comprises highly esteemed, renowned and diverse scholars and researchers, our high calibre students have unique potential, and our facilities are world-class. The QS World University Ranking by Subject places our Department as the 16th best one in the world, right up there with today’s top programs worldwide.
We endeavour to be a leader that understands both global impact and local needs. Globally, we continue to cement our place at the forefront of research. Locally, we remain strongly committed to partnering with the government, businesses, and the industry in developing Hong Kong into a knowledge-based society. Our missions include providing high-quality engineering education and uniquely-tailored experiences to our students, nurturing them, and, through research and services to the community, developing innovative concepts, designs, and techniques to enhance our infrastructure, protect the environment, and promote sustainable growth. We especially encourage, support, and reward research thinking that aspires to break new ground, bridge disciplines, and forge collaborations, all in order to maximize positive impact to human societies.
There is never a better time for civil engineering in Hong Kong, in the rest of the Greater Bay Area, and in Asia. Infrastructures are developing rapidly, and the need for sustainability has never been more compelling. More than ever, we are committed to pioneering developments in smart cities, next-generation infrastructure, green construction, hazard prevention, and energy and the environment. Beyond the traditional aspects of civil engineering, we embrace cutting-edge technologies in sensing, communications, nanoscale materials, new understandings and powerful analytical tools, as well as new ways of conserving the environment. Indeed this is an exciting time for both practicing engineers and researchers looking to shape a smart, green, sustainable future.
I invite you to join us in making our world a better place for generations to come. The future is bright, and the future is now.
Limin Zhang
Head and Chair Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering