CIVL PhD Wins “Excellent Talk” Award at Virtual Symposium

Miss Chuanjing Lin, a second-year CIVL PhD student supervised by Prof. Chii Shang, has received an Excellent Talk Award at the Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Current Environmental Issues. The symposium, held on March 23–24, 2022 and organized by the Southwestern China Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS), aimed to showcase the most recent research in environmental chemistry, and to offer up-and-coming researchers a chance to present their work in an international setting and to gain valuable experience.


The “Excellent Talk” award, in particular, was intended to raise awareness among young academics that it is as important to present a paper as it is to publish it. To be considered for the award, the presenters at the symposium were not only evaluated on the quality of their respective research papers — in terms of (but not limited to) content and organization — but also on how well they were able to verbally present them in front of an audience. There were four awardees in total among 29 speakers.


Miss Lins research examines an overlooked reactive chlorine species, dichlorine monoxide, for the degradation of organic pollutants in high chloride-containing wastewater. Her study particularly focuses on dichlorine monoxide’s formation mechanism, reactivity, as well as concentration, among other properties.


Congratulations to Miss Lin!

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