Seven Professors Awarded HK$39 Million in RGC’s Collaborative Research Fund and Research Impact Fund in 2023/24
Top row from left: Prof. Shao Minhua, Prof. Yoonseob Kim, Prof. Wang Gang. Bottom row from left: Prof. Wang Wei, Prof. Yu Yantao, Prof. Sun Fei, Prof. Zhou Yuanyuan
Seven projects led by School of Engineering faculty were awarded a total of around HK$39 million under the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2023/24 and Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2023/24 of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC).
These include six projects under the Collaborative Research Fund (four Collaborative Research Project Grants and two Young Collaborative Research Grants) and one project under the Research Impact Fund. The CRF projects will be conducted over a three-year period while the RIF project over four years.
Collaborative Research Fund 2023/24: Collaborative Research Project Grant
Project title: High-Energy-Density All-Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries
Principal coordinator: Prof. Yoonseob KIM, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Project title: Scour Protection for Offshore Wind Turbine by Structuralized Cementing Technology
Principal coordinator: Prof. WANG Gang, Associate Head and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Project title: Toward Efficient and Private Serverless Machine Learning Inference on GPU Clouds
Principal coordinator: Prof. WANG Wei, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Project title: Construction Skill Transfer Learning for Smooth Worker-Robot Collaboration in Dynamic and Uncertain Workplaces
Principal coordinator: Prof. YU Yantao, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Collaborative Research Fund 2023/24: Young Collaborative Research Grant
Project title: Living Active Protein Materials for Axon Regeneration
Principal coordinator: Prof. SUN Fei, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Project title: Perovskite Opto-Ionics for In-Sensor Computing
Principal coordinator: Prof. ZHOU Yuanyuan, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research Impact Fund 2023/24
Project title: Development of Solid State Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicles
Principal coordinator: Prof. SHAO Minhua, Head and Chair Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Link to HKUST’s official announcement: