Prof. Jidong ZHAO and Dr. Shiwei ZHAO Publish Review Article in Nature Reviews Physics

Prof. Jidong Zhao and Dr. Shiwei Zhao of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have published a review article entitled “The Role of Particle Shape in Computational Modelling of Granular Matter” in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Physics (With an impact factor of 38.5, NRP publishes invitation-only reviews by international authorities to survey the current of state-of-the-art capabilities in a certain area). This Technical Review, which comprehensively assesses how particle shape influences computational modelling, represents a major milestone in granular matter research.

Granular matter is prevalent in nature and plays a crucial role in various engineering, industrial and natural processes, and to be able to grasp and predict the behaviour of granular matter in these processes, a thorough understanding on particle-based computational modelling has become essential. This has compelled Prof. Zhao and Dr. Zhao to conduct the extensive review and pen the article, in which they emphasize the critical role that particle shape plays in implementing computational models which are both accurate and realistic.

In the article, the authors discuss the challenges which are associated with realistically modelling particle shapes that are found in both natural and engineered granular materials, considering that the have multi-scale characteristics in both the space and time domains. The paper also explores the complex interactions between granular particles and other materials such as interstitial fluids, illuminating the highly nonlinear and multi-physics coupling phenomena that are involved.

Overall, the review article is set to become an essential resource as well as source of reference in the field of granular matter. By advancing our understanding on the role of particle shape in computational modelling, this work opens up new avenues for more precise predictions and insightful analyses in diverse granular systems. The article can be accessed from the journal website: http://

We express admiration for Prof. Zhao and Dr. Zhao’s dedication to research excellence, and wish them continued success.

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