Paper Authored by Prof. Jidong Zhao and PhD Student Receives Best Paper Award

A paper written by Prof. Jidong Zhao, Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and one of his former PhD students, Dr. Ning Guo, has received the Scott Sloan Best Paper Award 2021 from Computers and Geotechnics.

The Scott Sloan Best Paper Award, named in honor of the late Scott W. Sloan, aims to recognize top papers published by Computers and Geotechnics that have made a significant impact on the field of geotechnical engineering. The evaluation of impact is based on both the citations of a paper over the past five years and strong recommendations from the editors.

Prof. Zhao and Dr. Guo’s paper, entitled “3D multiscale modelling of strain localization in granular media”, investigates three-dimensional (3D) strain localization in granular media with a hierarchical multiscale modelling approach. This is the second time the two have won the prestigious award together — they previously won it together in 2018 for a 2013 paper while Scott Sloan was still serving as chief editor. Both awards serve as testament to and recognition of the continued high quality and far-reaching impact of Prof. Zhao’s research.

Our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Zhao and Dr. Guo!

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