CIVL Student Team Wins Silver Award at HKIE Innovation Competition

A CIVL student team named “5C”, supervised by Prof. Jiachuan YANG — comprising Year-3 students SO Wing Han, CHAN Ka Yi, POON Chun Ho, SHEK Pui Yuk and Year-2 student WONG Carol Kin-ning — has won the silver award at the Hong Kong Engineers Week (HKEW) 2023 Innovation Competition. Branded as part of HKEW 2023 (held on 3–11 March) organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Innovation Competition was a prelude event that took place between October 2022 and February 2023, during which teams of three to five students from universities across the city used the software Autodesk Revit to illustrate versions of a “future livable city”, complete with buildings, infrastructural and transportation systems, as well as the application of smart technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT). The Competition’s awards were presented during the opening ceremony of HKEW 2023 on 3 March.

With the theme “Our Livable City, We Engineer”, HKEW 2023’s goal was to foster among the younger generation a better understanding of the role of engineers in society, and to give them an opportunity to experience the work of an engineer. In the Innovation Competition, HKIE asked students to leverage their creativity and incorporate such concepts as smart city and sustainability into envisioning what a livable city of the (near) future would look like. In addition, putting themselves in the shoes of an engineer, the students not only enjoyed the process of design and engineering, but also took pride in the work of their own creation.

In Team 5C’s beautiful rendition of a smart city — “5C City” — of tomorrow, the notion of livability revolves around not only aspects of interconnectivity, convenience and efficiency as offered through the extensive application of sensory and automation technologies, but also a general promotion of productivity and healthy living through incorporating such green and smart technologies as thermochromic windows, intelligent traffic and waste management systems, as well as shared green spaces including parks, greenhouse farms and rooftop gardens. Team 5C’s project was particularly commended for its copious adoption of innovative technologies, which are included in the design to benefit different corners and demographics of society.


Bravo, Team 5C, for the wonderful work!


Team 5C

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