SENG Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2023-24

Teaching award

Five faculty members were honored in the School of Engineering (SENG) Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award 2023-24. The award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate continuous excellence in undergraduate teaching, foster students’ interest in the subject, promote students’ learning, develop innovative and effective teaching methodologies, and more. Among the awardees this year, one was selected for the Distinguished Teaching Award.

Recipient of Distinguished Teaching Award:

  • Prof. Robin MA, Associate Professor of Engineering Education in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Director of Center for Industry Engagement and Internship; and Associate Director of Center for Engineering Education Innovation

Recipients of Teaching Awards (in alphabetical order of last names):

  • Prof. Andrew HORNER, Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Prof. Marshal LIU, Associate Professor of Engineering Education in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; and Associate Director of Center for Engineering Education Innovation
  • Prof. SHI Ling, Professor of Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • Prof. WANG Gang, Associate Head and Professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Prof. Robin Ma developed a new common core course on “Exploration of Mechanical Design and Engineering”. At the school level, he is a member of the Local Recruitment Strategy and Actions Committee and Director of the Center for Industry Engagement and Internship. Externally, he is a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Advisory Panel. He has secured multiple teaching development grants, including the Education and Generative AI Fund from HKUST’s Center for Education Innovation and Quality Education Fund from the HKSAR Education Bureau.

Prof. Andrew Horner consistently achieved high teaching evaluation scores in COMP 4441 Computer Music and COMP 1943 Creative Sound Design. He continuously enhanced course materials by incorporating cutting-edge AI technologies, such as generative AI and Deepfake. He served as the Associate Head (Education) of the Computer Science and Engineering Department from 2019 to 2021 and led key committees at the department and university levels.

Prof. Marshal Liu developed multiple experiential and blended learning courses, covering highly technical courses, common core courses, and the non-technical Academic and Professional Development Course. In addition to serving on various committees at both the school and university levels, he improved undergraduate curriculum design and expanded Chemical and Biological Engineering students’ industrial exposure through industrial visits, internships, and a co-op program.

Prof. Shi Ling consistently received high teaching evaluations in courses such as ELEC 3200 System Modeling, Analysis and Control and ELEC 5650 Introduction to Networked Sensing, Estimation and Control, among others. He actively supervised final year projects and Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) projects, many of which went on to receive internal and external recognitions. Dedicated to promoting STEAM education in the community, he is keen on delivering lectures, conducting workshops, and serving as a judge in competitions. 

Prof. Wang Gang received high course evaluation scores in CIVL 4700 Engineering Geology and CIVL 4760 Introduction to Rock Mechanics. During the pandemic, he delivered innovative virtual learning by developing 360° VR geological field trip videos, designing augmented features to aid field knowledge, and establishing a rock library. His contributions to civil engineering education have been recognized by the ASCE Greater China Distinguished Leadership Medal in 2023.

Teaching award
Prof. Robin Ma
Teaching award
Prof. Wang Gang (first left), Prof. Andrew Horner (second left), Prof. Shi Ling (second right) and Prof. Marshal Liu (first right) were presented with the awards by Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo (center).

Teaching award
Prof. Andrew Horner (right) received the award from Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo.
Teaching award
Prof. Marshal Liu (left) received the award from Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo.
Teaching award
Prof. Marshal Liu (left) received the award from Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo.
Teaching award
Prof. Wang Gang (left) received the award from Dean of Engineering Prof. Hong K. Lo. 


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