Prof. Anthony Leung Elected President of Hong Kong Geotechnical Society

Congratulations to Prof. Anthony Leung for being elected President of the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society for the 2024-2026 session.

This prestigious society aims to promote international cooperation among engineers and scientists in the field of geotechnics, as well as the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in this area. With close affiliations with other international geotechnical societies, the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society plays a vital role in fostering professional development and global collaboration among geotechnical practitioners in Hong Kong.

As an Associate Professor and Director of the Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility at HKUST, Prof. Leung has dedicated his research to exploring nature- and plant-based solutions in civil engineering applications. His specialization includes soil bioengineering and soil-vegetation-structure interaction. He has recently expanded his research interests in developing sustainable geotechnical solutions such as energy geostructures for improving buildings’ energy use. Prof. Leung's outstanding contributions have been recognized through various awards, including the 2022 Outstanding Young Geotechnical Engineer Award from the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2019 Excellent Youth Scholar Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the 2019 Bright Spark Lecture Award from the ISSMGE.

Once again, congratulations to Prof. Leung on this well-deserved appointment.

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