Our graduates News

  1. Our PhD graduate, Dr. Kelvin Ng, has been offered as an Assistant Professor of Department of Environmental Systems Engineering at the University of Regina, Canada. He will start his duty in August 2009. Dr. Ng received his PhD from HKUST in 2008. 
  2. Our current post-doctoral research fellow, Dr. Peng Wang, has been offered as an Assistant Professor of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), . He will start his duty in September 2009. Dr. Wang received his PhD from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California , Santa Barbara in 2008. 
  3. Dr. Jing Bie, PhD in Civil Engineering in 2008, has joined the University of Twente in the as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering. 
  4. Dr. David Z.W. Wang, PhD in Civil Engineering in 2008, will join the Nanyang Technological University in this coming fall as an Assistant Professor in the  School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 
  5. Dr. Barbara Siu, PhD in Civil Engineering in 2009, has just jointed the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a Lecturer in the Department of of Civil and Structural Engineering. 

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