CIVL 30th Anniversary Celebrations


Wrapping Up a Year of Celebration

2021–2022 was, of course, HKUST and the Department’s 30th anniversary, and, despite having had to reduce the fanfare because of COVID, we were able to host a jubilant gala dinner and organize the 30th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni Awards,

The year of celebration has culminated in a commemorative booklet — collected within which are snippets and stories from the Department’s earlier days, thoughts, congratulatory messages and words of wisdom from numerous current and retired faculty members, as well as wonderful tales of current endeavors from our faculty, alumni and students alike. As we bid farewell to our 30th anniversary year, we wish to offer you the booklet not only as a token of celebration, but also as a way to savor the Department’s many wonderful ventures and achievements over the years. We hope you’ll enjoy both the journey down memory lane and joining us in looking forward to many more fruitful years to come!

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CIVL 25th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet



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