BEng in Civil Engineering

   BEng in Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is concerned with planning, developing and managing various smart and green infrastructure systems and has an immense scope: it encompasses not only buildings, road and railway networks, and other transportation facilities such as bridges and tunnels, airports, harbors and seaports, but also slopes, dams and water supply networks, landfills, waste management and sewage treatment facilities, as well as structures pertaining to society’s energy supplies. Civil engineers embrace emerging technologies to find sustainable solutions for constructing safe infrastructure of modern civilization. In a word, civil engineers are indispensable to modern societies.

Our civil engineering program aims to equip students with the technical skills, relevant emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, intellectual ambition, innovative thinking and sense of social responsibility needed to (i) build infrastructure systems locally and across the world, and (ii) maintain a safe, clean and sustainable environment.