PhD, Northwestern University
Teaching Activities
CIVL111 - Construction Materials
CIVL535 - Elasticity and Plasticity
CIVL524 - Advanced Concrete Technology
Research Projects
A Systematic Study of a New Concrete Durability-Enhancing Admixture - Zongjin LI and Christopher K.Y. LEUNG
Advanced Cement‑Based Materials. Cooperative Research Centres CRQ - Zongjin LI, Tse-Yung Paul CHANG and C.T. Hsu
Advanced Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites Manufactured by Extrusion Technique - Zongjin LI and C.C. Hsu
Advanced Remote Damage Monitor System for Infrastructures - Xiang-Song LI, Zongjin LI, Tse-Yung Paul CHANG and P. Tong
Development and Manufacture of Cement-Based Materials - Zongjin LI
Monitoring and interpretation of hydration process of cement-based materials using non-contacting resistivity measurement, Zongjin LI
Development of cement-based functional piezoelectric materials for intelligent civil structures, Zongjin LI.
Research on the properties of repair mortars for concrete carriageway, Zongjin Li
Selected Publications
Zongjin Li and Surendra P. Shah (1994), "Microcracking localization in concrete under uniaxial tension: AE technique application", ACI Materials Journal, 91(4) page: 372-389.
Zongjin Li, Faming Li, and Jim S. L. Li (1998), "Properties of concrete incorporating rubber tire particles", Magazine of Concrete Research, 50(4): 297-304, 1998.
Zongjin Li, Dong Zhang, and Keru Wu (2002), "Cement-based 0-3 piezoelectric composites", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 85(2) page 305-313.
Zongjin Li, Xiaosheng Wei, and Wenlai Li (2003), "Preliminary interpretation of hydration process for cement-based materials at early ages", Journal of ACI Materials, 100(3): 253-257, 2003.
Xiangming Zhou and Zongjin Li, "Upsetting tests of fresh cementitious composites for extrusion", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 132(2): 149-157, 2006.