Prof. Zhilu LAI 賴志路


PhD, Rice University
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Research Area
Structural and Materials
Research Interests
IoT applications for smart cities
Resilient and sustainable infrastructure
Physics-informed machine learning/deep learning for dynamical systems
Structural digital twin
Structural health monitoring

PhD, Rice University

Selected Publications

X. Jian, Z. Lai, Y. Xia, L. Sun (2022) "A robust bridge weigh-in-motion algorithm based on regularized total least squares with axle constraints", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e3014.

W. Liu, Z. Lai*, E. Chatzi (2022) "Physics-guided Deep Markov Models for Learning Dynamical Systems with Uncertainty", vol. 178, p. 109 -276, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Z. Lai*, C. Mylonas, S. Nagarajaiah, E. Chatzi (2021) "Structural Identification with Physics-informed Neural Ordinary Differential Equations", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 508, 116196.

Z. Lai, I. Alzugaray, M. Chli, E. Chatzi (2020) " Full-field Structural Monitoring using Event Cameras and Physics-informed Sparse Identification", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 145: 106905.

S. Bhowmick, S. Nagarajaiah, Z. Lai (2020) "Measurement of Full-field Displacement Time History of a Vibrating Continuous Edge from Video", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 144: 106847.

Z. Lai, T. Sun, and S. Nagarajaiah (2019) "Adjustable Template Stiffness Device and SDOF Nonlinear Frequency Response", Nonlinear Dynamics, vol.96, pp.1559-1573.

Z. Lai, and S. Nagarajaiah (2019) "Sparse Structural System Identification Method for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Hysteresis/Inelastic Behavior", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.117, pp.813-842.

Z. Lai, and S. Nagarajaiah (2019) "Semi-supervised Structural Linear/Nonlinear Damage Detection and Characterization using Sparse Identification", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol.26: e2036.

HN. Li, T. Sun, Z. Lai, and S. Nagarajaiah (2018) "Effectiveness of Negative Stiffness System in the Benchmark Structural-Control Problem for Seismically Excited Highway Bridges" Journal of Bridge Engineering, vol.23, p.04018001.

T. Sun, Z. Lai, S. Nagarajaiah, and HN. Li (2017) "Negative Stiffness Device for Seismic Protection of Smart Base Isolated Benchmark Building", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol.24(11), pp.e1968.

Z. Lai, Y. Lei, S. Zhu, YL. Xu, XH. Zhang, and S. Krishnaswamy (2016) "Moving-Window Extended Kalman Filter for Structural Damage Detection with Unknown Process and Measurement Noises", Measurement, vol.88, pp.428-440.

Y. Lei, H. Zhou, and Z. Lai (2016) "A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Real-Time Tracking the Abrupt Stiffness Degradations of Structural Elements", Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, vol.88, pp.464-480.

Y. Lei, Z. Lai, S. Zhu, and XH. Zhang (2014) "Experimental Study on Impact-Induced Damage Detection using An Improved Extended Kalman Filter", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, vol.14, p.144007.

Honors and Awards

Outstanding reviewer of Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Rice Global Engineering and Construction Forum Scholarship