PhD, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
Zheng, Z., He, J., Zhang, Z., Kumar, A., Khan, M., Lung, C.W., Lo, I.M.C. (2024). Magnetically recyclable nanophotocatalysts in photocatalysis-involving processes for organic pollutant removal from wastewater: current status and perspectives. Environmental Science: Nano.
Wong J.K.C.1, Zheng, Z.1, Zhang, Y. Lo, I.M.C. (2024). Selective Phosphate Removal by Lanthanum Carbonate@ Anion Exchange Resin with Fixed-Bed Column: RSM for Process Optimization and DFT for Mechanistic Study. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 112811.
Wang X.1, Zheng, Z.1, Man J.H.K., Lo, I.M.C. (2024). Regulating Charge Transfer for Enhanced PAA Activation over Sulfur-doped Magnetic CoFe2O4: a Novel Strategy for Simultaneous Micropollutants Degradation and Bacteria Inactivation. Water Research, 121595.
Lung C.W.1, Zheng, Z.1, Guan X., Lo, I.M.C. (2024). Photothermal assisted space-confined chlorine activation for removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products coupled with disinfection by-products control. Chemical Engineering Journal, 15078
Zhang Y.1, Zheng, Z.1, Badsha M.A.H., Lo, I.M.C. (2024). Advancing phosphate Removal: Unleashing the Adsorption/Desorption potential of La2 (CO3) 3-Loaded resin by Semi-Fluidized columns and In-Situ regeneration. Separation and Purification Technology, 126835.
Zheng, Z. Min J., Wang X., Lung C.W., Shih K., Lo, I.M.C. (2023). Directional Separation of Highly Reductive Electrons to the Reactive Center in a Magnetic S-Scheme ZnFe2O4/A-MoS2 Heterojunction for Enhanced Peroxymonosulfate Activation toward Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Product Removal. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 22, 8414–8425.
Zheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Wong J.K.C., Lung, C.W., Khan, M., He, J., Kumar, A., Lo, I.M.C. (2023). Facilitating peroxymonosulfate activation for effective antibiotics degradation from drinking water by photoelectrocatalytic system using MoS2 embedded carbon substrate. Chemical Engineering Journal, 452, 139591.
Zheng, Z., Man, J.H.K., Lo, I.M.C. (2022). Integrating Reactive Chlorine Species Generation with H2 Evolution in a Multifunctional Photoelectrochemical System for Low Operational Carbon Emissions Saline Sewage Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 16156-16166.
Zheng, Z., Lo, I.M.C. (2021). Fabrication of MoS2@BL-BiVO4 photoanode with promoted charge separation for photoelectrochemical sewage treatment to simultaneously degrade PPCPs, disinfect E. coli, and produce H2: Performance, mechanisms, and influence factors. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 299, 120636.
Zheng, Z., Lo, I.M.C. (2021). Multifunctional photoelectrochemical systems for coupled water treatment and high-value product generation: current status, mechanisms, remaining challenges, and future opportunities. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 34, 100711.
Zheng, Z., He, J., Dong, C., Lo, I.M.C. (2021). Photoelectrochemical Sewage Treatment by Sulfite Activation Over an Optimized BiVO4 Photoanode to Simultaneously Promote PPCPs degradation, H2 evolution and E. coli Disinfection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 419, 129418.
Zheng, Z., Ng, Y. H., Tang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, W., Wang, J., Li, X. Li, L. (2021). Visible-light-driven photoelectrocatalytic activation of chloride by nanoporous MoS2@ BiVO4 photoanode for enhanced degradation of bisphenol A. Chemosphere, 263, 128279.
Tang, Y.1, Zheng, Z.1, Sun, X., Li, X., & Li, L. (2019). Ternary CdS-MoS2 coated ZnO nanobrush photoelectrode for one-dimensional acceleration of charge separation upon visible light illumination. Chemical Engineering Journal, 368, 448-458.
Zheng, Z., Qiao, Y., Cai, Y., He, Y., Tang, Y., & Li, L. (2019). MoS2 decorated CdS hybrid heterojunction for enhanced photoelectrocatalytic performance under visible light irradiation. Journal of colloid and interface science, 533, 561-568.
Zheng, Z., Li, X., Li, L., & Tang, Y. (2019). Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of amoxicillin over quaternary ZnO/ZnSe/CdSe/MoS2 hierarchical nanorods. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(37), 20826-20838.
See Google Scholar for updated publications.