PhD, University of Texas, Austin
Research Projects
Analysis of Rainstorm Characteristics in Hong Kong - Yeou-Koung TUNG
Development Practical Reliability Evaluation Approach for Treating Non-Normal Multivariate Random Variables - Yeou-Koung TUNG
Emerging Geohazards in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta due to Climate Changes - Limin ZHANG, Charles W.W. NG, Yu-Hsing WANG, Yeou-Koung TUNG and Delwyn G FREDLUND
Integrating Hydrologic Uncertainties for Risk-Based Design of Hydraulic Structures - Yeou-Koung TUNG
Large-scale Geotechnical Hazards Caused by Environmental Actions: Impact of Rainfall and Reservoir Filling - Limin ZHANG, Delwyn G FREDLUND, Wilson H. TANG and Yeou-Koung TUNG
Stochastic Modeling of Surface-Subsurface Flow for Stability Analysis of Soil Slopes in Hong Kong - Charles W.W. NG, Yeou-Koung TUNG and Wilson H. TANG
Uncertainty and Reliability Evaluation Methods for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Systems - Wilson H. TANG and Yeou-Koung TUNG
Yeou-Koung TUNG and Mays, L.W. (1992), Hydrosystems Engineering and Management McGraw-Hill Book Company
Yen, B.C. and Yeou-Koung TUNG (1993), Reliability and Uncertainty Analyses in Hydraulic Designs, ASCE
Selected Publications
Charles W.W. NG, Wang, B. and Yeou-Koung TUNG (2001), 3D numerical investigations of groundwater responses in an unsaturated slope subjected to various rainfall patterns, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 38(5) page:1049-1062
Yeou-Koung TUNG, Zhao, B., Yeh, K.C. and Yang, J.C. (1997), Storm resampling for uncertainty analysis of a multiple-storm unit hydrograph, Journal of Hydrology, L94 page:366-384
Yeou-Koung TUNG (1996), Uncertainty analysis in water resources engineering, Stochastic Hydraulics '96, Editor: Goulter, I. and Tickle, K., A.A. Balkema Publishers, Netherlands, page:29-46 [Keynote paper]
Yeou-Koung TUNG (1994), Probabilistic hydraulic design : a next step to experimental hydraulics, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR., 32(3) page:323-336
Chang, C.H., Yang, J.C. and Yeou-Koung TUNG (1993), Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of a sediment transport model : a global approach, Journal of Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 7(4) page:299-314