Yana LI


PhD, Sun Yat-sen University
Research Assistant Professor
Research Area
Research Interests
Climate change and variability
Atmospheric scale-interaction and water/energy cycle extremes
Numerical modelling
Subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction

PhD, Sun Yat-sen University

Selected Publications:

1.     Jiang, Y., H.-N. Cheung, Y. Li, and S. Yang, 2023: Intra-seasonal variation of the wintertime polar/Eurasia pattern. Climate Dyn., 61, 813–830, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06612-7

2.     Zhang, R., W. Zhou, W. S. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. Jian, and Y. Li, 2023: Tropical stratospheric forcings weaken the response of the East Asian winter temperature to ENSO. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere research, 0001

3.     Li, Y., Y. Deng, H.-N. Cheung, W. Zhou, S. Yang, and H. Zhang, 2022: Amplifying subtropical hydrological transition over China in early summer tied to weakened mid-latitude synoptic disturbances. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5, 40, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-022-00259-1

4.     Li, Y., W. Zhou, S. Yang, R. Zhang, H. Cheung, and Y. Zhang, 2022: Recent early-spring drying trend over southern China associated with changes in the zonal thermal contrast over the Pacific.  J. Climate, 35, 6487–6498, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0891.1.

5.     Zhang, Y., W. Zhou, X. Wang, X. Wang, R. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Gan, 2022: IOD, ENSO, and seasonal precipitation variation over Eastern China. Atmospheric Research, 270, 106042, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106042

6.     Hu, X., Y. Li, S. Yang, P. Huang, M. Cai, J. Chen, W. Lin, and J. Ying, 2021: Feedback attributions of climate changes over the globe and over Southeast Asia and its adjacent regions. Climate Change in Southeast Asia and Surrounding Areas. S. Yang, R. Wu, M. Jian, J. Huang, Z. Wang, X. Hu, and X. Jiang, Eds., Springer, 253-302, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8225-7_6.

7.     Kong, Y., Y. Wu, X. Hu, Y. Li, S. Yang, 2021: Uncertainty in projections of the South Asian summer monsoon under global warming by CMIP6 models: Role of tropospheric meridional thermal contrast. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 15(1), 100145, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2021.100145

8.     Li, Y., N.-C. Lau, C.-Y. Tam, H.-N. Cheung, Y. Deng, and H. Zhang, 2021: Projected changes in the characteristics of the East Asian summer monsoonal front and their impacts on the regional precipitation. Climate Dyn., 56, 4013–4026, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05687-y

9.     Li, Y., H.-N. Cheung, and W. Zhou, 2021: Asymmetric relationship between mid-latitude Eurasian circulation and summer rainfall in Hong Kong in different phases of ENSO. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 41, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.642588

10.  Li, Y., S. Yang, Y. Deng, and B. Zheng, 2020: Signals of spring thermal contrast related to the interannual variations in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon. J. Climate, 33, 27-38, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0174.1

11.  Li, Y., S. Yang, Y. Deng, X. Hu, M. Cai, and W. Zhou, 2019: Detection and attribution of upper-tropospheric warming over the tropical western Pacific. Climate Dyn., 53, 3057–3068, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04681-9.

12Li, Y., Y. Deng, S. Yang, H. Zhang, Y. Ming, and Z. Shen, 2018: Multi-scale temporal-spatial variability of the East Asian summer monsoon frontal system: Observation versus its representation in the GFDL HiRAM. Climate Dyn., 52, 6787–6798, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4546-z.

13Li, Y.., Y. Deng, S. Yang, and H. Zhang, 2018: Multi-scale temporospatial variability of the East Asian Meiyu-Baiu fronts – Characterization with a suite of new objective indices. Climate Dyn., 51, 1659-1670, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-3975-4

14.  Li, Y., S. Yang, Y. Deng, X. Hu, and M. Cai, 2018: A process-level attribution of the annual cycle of surface temperature over the Maritime Continent. Climate Dyn., 51, 2759-2772, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-017-4043-9

15.  Hu, X., Y. Li, S. Yang, Y. Deng, and M. Cai, 2017: Process-based physical attributions of the decadal climate difference between 1984-95 and 2002-13. J. Climate, 30, 4373-4393, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0742.1

16.  Li, Y., and S. Yang, 2016: Feedback attributions of the interannual variations of dominant modes of the East Asian winter monsoon. J. Climate, 30, 905-920, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0275.1

17.  Hu, C., S. Yang, Q. Wu, T. Zhang, Y. Li, K. Deng, T. Wang, J. Chen, and C. Zhang, 2016: Re-inspecting two types of ENSO: A new pair of Niño indices for improving real-time monitoring. Climate Dyn., 47, 4031-4049, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3059-x