PhD, The University of Hong Kong
PhD, The University of Alberta
Teaching Activities
CIVL202 - Construction Engineering I
CIVL303 - Construction Engineering II
CIVL305 - Project Management and Finance
CIVL501 - Principles of Project Finance
CIEM510 - Construction Technology
CIEM516 - Construction Financial Management
International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Selected Publications
Tariq, S., and Zhang, X. Q. (2020). "Critical failure drivers in international water PPP projects." Journal of Infrastructure e Systems, 26(4), 04020038 (1-17).
Zhang, X. Q., and Mohandes, S. R. (2020). "Occupational health and safety in green building construction projects: A holistic Z-numbers-based risk management framework." Journal of Cleaner Production, 122788 (1-19).
Zubair, M. U., and Zhang, X. Q. (2020). "Explicit data-driven prediction model of annual energy consumed by elevators in residential buildings." Journal of Building Engineering, 31, 101278, 1- 7.
Zubair, M. U., and Zhang, X. Q. (2020). "Hybrid performance-measurement model of elevators." Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 34(2), 04020013 (1-13).
Zhang, X. Q., and Tariq, S. (2020). "Failure mechanisms in international water PPP projects: a public sector perspective." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(6), 04020055 (1-21).
Zhang, X. Q., Li, Y., and Wu, D. (2020). "Developing an underground utility occupation index for efficient urban utilities planning." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(5), 04020036 (1-12).
Besklubova, S., and Zhang, X. Q. (2019). "Improving construction productivity by integrating the lean concept and the Clancey heuristic model." Sustainability, 11(17) 4535 , 1-32.
Mohandes, S.R., Zhang, X.Q., and Mahdiyar, A. (2019). "A comprehensive review on the application of artificial neural networks in building energy analysis."Neurocomputing, 340, 55-75.
Mohandes, S.R., and Zhang, X.Q. (2019). "Towards the development of a comprehensive hybrid fuzzy-based occupational risk assessment model for construction workers." Safety Science, 115, 294-309.
Zhang, X. Q., and Wu, D. (2019). "Improving as-built records of underground utilities: barriers and solutions." International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 8(2), 62-74.
Tariq, S., and Zhang, X. Q. (2019). "An analytical review of failed water PPPs in developing countries." Management, Procurement and Law, 172(2), 60-69, 1-10.
Wang, L., and Zhang, X. Q. (2019). "Determining the value of standby letter of credit in transfer stage of a PPP project to control concessionaire's opportunistic behavior." Journal of Management in Engineering, 35(3), 04019003 (1-12).
Wang, L., and Zhang, X. Q. (2018). "Bayesian analytics for estimating risk probability in PPP waste-to-energy projects." Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(6), 04018047 (1-13).
Yu X., Zhang X. Q., and Qin H. (2018). "A data-driven model based on Fourier transform and support vector regression for monthly reservoir inflow forecasting". Journal of Hydro Environment Research, 18, 12-24.
Zhang, X. Q., and Wang, L. (2018). "Causal relationships of risk factors in PPP waste-to-energy incineration projects." International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 7(3), 56-65.
Shi, G., and Zhang, X. Q. (2017). "A comparative study of insurance policies worldwide in public private partnerships." International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 11( I 0), 2531-2534.
Zhang, X. Q., and Wu, D. (2017). "Analysis of the Major Causes of Poor Quality As-built Records of Underground Utilities." International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 6(3), 59-67.
Wang, L., and Zhang, X. Q. (2017). "Critical risk factors in PPP waste-to-energy incineration projects." International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 6(2), 55-69.
Wang, L., and Zhang, X. Q. (2017). "Key issues in transfer stage of BOT project: experience from China." International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 11(10), 1364-1373.
Yu, X., and Zhang, X. Q. (2017). "Multiswarm comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for solving multiobjective optimization problems." PLoS One, 12(2), 1-21.
Yan, H., Zhang, X. Q., and LI, Y. (2017). "Linguistic multi-attribute decision making with multiple priorities." Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109, 15-27.
Xiong, W., and Zhang, X. Q. (2016). "The real option value of renegotiation in public-private partnerships." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(8), 04016021, 1-11.
Gao, H., Zhang, X. Q., and Li, Y. (2016). "Developing a weighted reward criterion for the Markov based decision of road maintenance." SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1-14.
Xiong, W., Zhang, X.Q., and Chen, H. (2016). "Early-termination compensation in public-private partnership projects." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(4), 04015098 (1-9).
Soomro, M. A., and Zhang, X. Q. (2016). "The evaluation of the functions of public sector partners in transportation public private partnerships failures." Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(1), 04015027(1-11).
Zhang, X. Q., and Soomro, M. A. (2016). "Failure path analysis with respect to private sector partners in transportation public private partnerships." Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(1), 04015031(1-10).
Li, Y., Zhang, X. Q., Ding, G., and Feng, Z. (2016). "Developing a quantitative construction waste estimation model for building construction projects." Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 106, 9-20.
Zhang, X. Q., Yu, X., and Qin, H. (2016). "Optimal operation of multi-reservoir hydropower systems using enhanced comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization." Journal of Hydro environment Research, 10(3), 50-63.
Zhang, X. Q., and Xiong, W. (2015). "Renegotiation and early-termination in public private partnerships." International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 4(4), 204-213.
Soomro, M.A., and Zhang, X. Q. (2015). "Roles of private sector partners in transportation public private partnership failures." Journal of Management in Engineering, 31(4), 04014056(1-12).
Wu, D., and Zhang, X. Q. (2015). "A framework for effective management of underground utilities." Journal of Advanced Management Science, 3(3), 233-238.