PhD, The University of British Columbia
Dr Xiao Pan is an Assistant Professor at HKUST’s CIVL department. His research falls in structural, earthquake, and construction engineering, with a focus on developing digital twin-supported solutions to enhance the engineering practices. This involves the development and application of machine learning, computer vision, sensor fusion, robots, and high-performance modular structural components and systems, through computer simulations, laboratory tests, and field validations. Prior to joining HKUST, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PM at the Smart Infrastructure and Construction Research Cluster at The University of British Columbia (UBC).
Selected Publications
Chen Z, Yang T. Y., Xiao Y, Pan X, Yang W (2024). Model reference adaptive hierarchical control framework for shake table tests. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 1-17.
Xie, F., Pan, X., Yang, T. Y., Ernewein, B., Li, M., Robinson, D. (2024). A novel computer vision and point cloud-based approach for accurate structural analysis of a tall irregular timber structure. Structures.
Pan, X., & Yang, T. Y. (2024). Bolt loosening assessment using ensemble vision models for automatic localization and feature extraction with target-free perspective adaptation. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1–16.
Tavasoli, S., Poorghasem, S., Pan, X., Yang T. Y., Bao Y. (2024). Autonomous indoor navigation and survivor detection using low-cost micro aerial vehicles. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
Li, C., Su, R., Pan, X. (2024). Assessment of out-of-plane structural defects using parallel laser line scanning system. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 39(6), 834-851. (Structural Excellence Award by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Vaze, S., Yang, T. Y., Bagatini-Cachuco, F., Pan, X. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigations of cold-form steel corrugated walls under combined in-plane shear and axial loads. Thin-Walled Structures. 198, 111677.
Li, W., Zhang, C., Puhl, D., Pan, X., Hassan, M. A., Bird, S., Yang, K., & Zhao, Y. (2024). A CNN-Based Framework for Automatic Extraction of High-Resolution River Bankfull Width. Remote Sensing, 16(23), 4614.
Pan, X., Tavasoli, S., Yang, T. Y. (2023). Autonomous 3D vision-based bolt loosening assessment using micro aerial vehicles. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 1-12.
Pan, X., Yang, T. Y. (2023). 3D vision-based out-of-plane displacement quantification for steel plate structures using structure from motion, deep learning, and point cloud processing. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 38, 547– 561.
Pan, X., Yang, T. Y., Xiao, Y., Yao, H., & Adeli, H. (2023). Vision-based real-time structural vibration measurement through interactive deep-learning-based detection and tracking methods. Engineering Structures. 281, 115676.
Pan, X., Yang, T. Y. (2023). 3D vision-based bolt loosening quantification using photogrammetry, deep learning, and point-cloud processing. Journal of Building Engineering. 106326.
Tavasoli, S., Pan, X., Yang, T. Y. (2023). Real-time autonomous indoor navigation and vision-based damage assessment of reinforced concrete structures using low-cost nano aerial vehicles. Journal of Building Engineering. 106193.
Pan, X., & Yang, T. Y. (2022). Image-based monitoring of bolt loosening through deep-learning-based integrated detection and tracking. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37(10), 1207-1222.
Xiao, Y., Pan, X., Yang, T. Y. (2022). Nonlinear backstepping hierarchical control of shake table using high-gain observer, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 51: 3347– 3366.
Pan, X., Yang T.Y. (2020). Postdisaster image-based damage detection and repair cost estimation of reinforced concrete buildings using dual convolutional neural networks. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35:495–510.
Pan, X., Málaga-Chuquitaype C (2020). Seismic control of rocking structures via external resonators. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 49:1180-1196. (Top Cited Article)
Yang, T. Y., Li, T., Tobber, L., & Pan, X. (2020). Experimental and numerical study of honeycomb structural fuses. Engineering Structures, 204, 109814.