PhD. Civil Engineering (Computational Geomechanics) Jan. 2018–Dec. 2021
Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, Swansea University, UK
M.Sc. Civil Engineering (Tunnelling Engineering) Sept. 2014–Jun. 2017
College of Civil Engineering, Central South University, China
B.Eng. Civil Engineering Sept. 2010– Jun. 2014
College of Civil Engineering, Central South University, China
Selected Publications
T. Qu, S. Guan, Y Feng*, G. Ma, W Zhou, J. Zhao (2023). Deep active learning for constitutive modelling of granular materials. International Journal of Plasticity, 164, 103576.
T. Qu, Y. Feng, J. Zhao (2022). A strain energy-based elastic parameter calibration method for lattice/bonded particle modelling of solid materials. Powder Technology, 410, 117860.
T. Qu, M. Wang*, Y. Feng (2022). Applicability of DEM with spheres to clumped particles for constitutive study of granular materials. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 14(1), 240-251.
T. Qu, D. Shao, Y. Feng*, M. Wang, T. Zhao (2021). Towards data-driven constitutive modelling for granular materials via micromechanics-informed deep learning. International Journal of Plasticity, 144, 103046.
T. Qu, Y. Feng, M. Wang* (2021). An adaptive granular representative volume element model with an evolutionary periodic boundary for hierarchical multiscale analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(9), 2239-2253.
T. Qu, D. Shao, Y. Feng*, M. Wang, T. Zhao, M. Wang (2021). Deep learning predicts stress-strain relations of granular materials based on triaxial testing data. Computer Modelling in Engineeering and Science. 128(1), 129-144.
T. Qu, Y. Feng, T. Zhao, M. Wang* (2020). A hybrid calibration approach to Hertz-type contact parameters for discrete element models, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 44(09), 1281-1300.
T. Qu, Y. Feng*, M. Wang, Shengqiang Jiang (2020). Calibration of parallel bond parameters in bonded particle models via physics-informed adaptive moment optimisation, Powder Technology, 366, 527-536.
T. Qu, Y. Feng*, Y. Wang, M. Wang (2019). Discrete element modelling of flexible membrane boundaries for triaxial tests, Computers and Geotechnics, 115, 103154.
T. Qu, S. Wang*, Q. Hu (2019). Coupled discrete element-finite difference method for analysing effects of cohesionless soil conditioning on tunneling behaviour of EPB shield, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23, 4538-4552.
T. Qu, Y. Feng*, T. Zhao, M. Wang (2019). Calibration of linear contact stiffnesses in discrete element models using a hybrid analytical-computational framework, Powder Technology, 356, 795-807.
T. Qu, S. Wang*, J. Fu, Q. Hu, X. Zhang (2019). Numerical Examination of EPB Shield Tunneling–Induced Responses at Various Discharge Ratios, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 33, 04019035.
Q. Hu, S. Wang*, T. Qu*, T. Xu, S. Wang, H. Wang (2020). Permeability Characteristics of Foam-conditioned Sand for Mechanized Tunnelling at Various Conditioning States and Hydraulic Gradients. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 99, 103377.
Y Xie, J Yang, C Zhang, T Qu*, S Wang, J Fu (2023). A quantitative evaluation method for granular skeleton state of binary soils at arbitrary relative density. Computers and Geotechnics, 153, 105083.
M Wang, T. Qu, T. Zhao, S. Guan, B Liu, Y.T. Feng* (2022). Data-driven strain-stress modelling of granular materials via temporal convolution neural network, Computers and Geotechnics, 152, 105049.
S Guan, T. Qu, Y.T. Feng*, Gang Ma, Wei Zhou (2022). A machine learning based multiscale computation framework for granular materials, Acta Geotechnica, 18(4), 1699-1720.
J Zhong, S Wang, T Qu*. Undrained vane shear strength of sand-foam mixtures under different shear rates. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.11.002
S Wang, Y Zhan, T Qu*, T. Qiu , H Wang. Effect of gradation on undrained compressibility of foam-conditioned coarse-grained soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23(7), 04023089.
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