PhD, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
Guo, G., Wu, D.*, Hao, TW.*, Mackey, HR., Wei, L., Lu, H., Chen, GH. (2016). Granulation of susceptible sludge under carbon deficient conditions: A case of denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR process. Water Research. 103: 444-452.
Tsui, TH., Chen, L., Hao, TW.*, Chen, GH.* (2016). A super high-rate sulfidogenic system for saline sewage treatment. Water Research. 104: 147-155.
Tsui, TH., Hao, TW.*, Chen, GH. (2016). Gas-enhanced operation and stepwise organic stressing as a new alternative in realizing successful sludge granulation in high-rate anaerobic bioreactor for wastewater treatment. HKIE Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, 23: 222-229.
Hao, TW., Luo, JH., Mackey, HR., Guo, G., Liu, RL., Chen, GH*. (2016). Impacts of short-term changes in temperature, pH, oxygen, nitrite and free nitrous acid on sulfate reducing granular sludge. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100: 8563-72.
Zan, FX., Hao, TW.*, Chi, K., Ekama, G.A., Chen, GH.* (2016). Using sulfite pretreatment to improve the biodegradability of waste activated sludge. RSC advances. 6, 71875-71881.
Hao, TW., Luo, JH., Su, KZ., Wei, L., Mackey, HR., Chi, K., Chen, GH*. (2016). An example study for granular bioreactor stratification: Three dimensional evaluation of a sulfate reducing granular bioreactor. Scientific Report. 6: 31718.
Wu, D., Ekama, G., Chui, HK., Wang, B., Cui, YX., Hao, TW., van Loosdrecht, MCM., Chen, GH*. Large-scale Demonstration of the Sulfate reduction Autotrophic denitrification Nitrification Integrated (SANI®) Process in Saline Sewage Treatment. Water Research. 100: 496–507.
Guo, G., Wu, D.*, Hao, TW., Mackey, HR., Wei, L., Wang, HG., Chen, GH*. (2016) Functional bacteria and process metabolism of the Denitrifying Sulfur conversion-associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR) system: An investigation by operating the system from deterioration to restoration. Water Research. 95: 289–299.
Mackey, HR.*, Morito, GR., Hao, TW., Chen, GH. (2016). Pursuit of nitrifying granular sludge for urine stabilization. Chemical Engineering Journal. 289:17−27.
Luo, JH., Wei, L., Hao, TW.*, Xue, WQ., Mackey, HR., Chen, GH*. (2015). Effect of L-tyrosine on aerobic sludge granulation and its stability. RSC advances. 12:10056–10065.
Hao, TW., Luo, JH., Wei, L., Mackey, HR., Liu, RL., Morito, GR., Chen, GH*. (2015). Physicochemical and biological characterization of long-term operated sulfate reducing granular sludge in the SANI® process. Water Research. 71: 74−84.
Hao, TW., Xiang, PY., Mackey, HR., Chi, K., Lu, H., Chui, HK., van Loosdrecht, MCM., Chen, GH*. (2014). A Review of Biological Sulfate Conversions in Wastewater Treatment. Water Research. 65: 1−21.
Luo, JH., Hao, TW., Wei, L., Machey, HR., Lin, Z., Chen, GH*. (2014). Impact of influent COD/N ratio on disintegration of aerobic granular sludge. Water Research. 62: 127−135.
Hao, TW., Wei, L., Lu, H., Chui, HK., Mackey, H., van Loosdrecht, MCM., Chen, GH*. (2013). Characterization of sulfate-reducing granular sludge in the SANI® process. Water Research. 47: 7042−7052.
Hao, TW., Lu, H., Chui, HK., van Loosdrecht, MCM., Chen, GH*. (2013). Granulation of anaerobic sludge in the sulfate-reducing up-flow sludge bed (SRUSB) of SANI® process. Water Science & Technology. 68: 560−566.