Prof. Tian Ju XUE 薛添駒


PhD in Civil Engineering
Assistant Professor
Research Area
Structural and Materials
Research Interests
Computational Mechanics
Additive Manufacturing/Construction
Structural Topology Optimization
High-Performance Computing
AI for Science

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Princeton University

Selected Publications

Mozaffar, Mojtaba; Liao, Shuheng; Jeong, Jihoon; Xue, Tianju; Cao, Jian; Differentiable simulation for material thermal response design in additive manufacturing processes Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier, 61, 2023.

Xue, Tianju; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Mao, Sheng; Learning the nonlinear dynamics of mechanical metamaterials with graph networks International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Pergamon, 238, 2023.

Xue, Tianju; Liao, Shuheng; Gan, Zhengtao; Park, Chanwook; Xie, Xiaoyu; Liu, Wing Kam; Cao, Jian; JAX-FEM: A differentiable GPU-accelerated 3D finite element solver for automatic inverse design and mechanistic data science Computer Physics Communications, North-Holland, 2023.

Liao, Shuheng; Xue, Tianju; Jeong, Jihoon; Webster, Samantha; Ehmann, Kornel; Cao, Jian; Hybrid thermal modeling of additive manufacturing processes using physics-informed neural networks for temperature prediction and parameter identification Computational Mechanics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.

Liao, Shuheng; Jeong, Jihoon; Zha, Rujing; Xue, Tianju; Cao, Jian; Simulation-guided feedforward-feedback control of melt pool temperature in directed energy deposition CIRP Annals, Elsevier, 2023.

Park, Chanwook; Lu, Ye; Saha, Sourav; Xue, Tianju; Guo, Jiachen; Mojumder, Satyajit; Apley, Daniel W; Wagner, Gregory J; Liu, Wing Kam; Convolution hierarchical deep-learning neural network (c-hidenn) with graphics processing unit (gpu) acceleration Computational Mechanics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.

Xue, Tianju; Mao, Sheng; Mapped shape optimization method for the rational design of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley Online Library, 123, 10, 2022.

Xue, Tianju; Gan, Zhengtao; Liao, Shuheng; Cao, Jian; Physics-embedded graph network for accelerating phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution in additive manufacturing npj Computational Materials, Nature Publishing Group UK London, 8, 1, 2022.

Sun, Xingyuan; Xue, Tianju; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon; Adams, Ryan P; Amortized synthesis of constrained configurations using a differentiable surrogate Advances in neural information processing systems, , 34, 2021.

Xue, Tianju; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Mao, Sheng; Mapped phase field method for brittle fracture Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier, 385, 2021.

Xue, Tianju; Sun, WaiChing; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Wei, Yujie; Liu, Chuanqi; A new finite element level set reinitialization method based on the shifted boundary method Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier, 438, 2021.

Xue, Tianju; Beatson, Alex; Chiaramonte, Maurizio; Roeder, Geoffrey; Ash, Jordan T; Menguc, Yigit; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Adams, Ryan P; Mao, Sheng; A data-driven computational scheme for the nonlinear mechanical properties of cellular mechanical metamaterials under large deformation Soft matter, Royal Society of Chemistry, 16, 32, 2020.

Xue, Tianju; Wallin, Thomas J; Menguc, Yigit; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Chiaramonte, Maurizio; Machine learning generative models for automatic design of multi-material 3D printed composite solids Extreme Mechanics Letters, Elsevier, 41, 2020.

Beatson, Alex; Ash, Jordan; Roeder, Geoffrey; Xue, Tianju; Adams, Ryan P; Learning composable energy surrogates for pde order reduction Advances in neural information processing systems, , 33, 2020.

Xue, Tianju; Beatson, Alex; Adriaenssens, Sigrid; Adams, Ryan; Amortized finite element analysis for fast pde-constrained optimization International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, 2020.

Wan, Yang; Xue, Tianju; Shen, Yongxing; The successive node snapping scheme: A method to obtain conforming meshes for an evolving curve in 2D and 3D Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier, 153, 2019.

Wan, Yang; Xue, Tianju; Shen, Yongxing; The successive node snapping scheme for an evolving branched curve in 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Design, Elsevier, 111, 2019.

Ma, Mingchao; Xue, Tianju; Chen, Shenyue; Guo, Yunlong; Chen, Yujie; Liu, Hezhou; Features of structural relaxation in diblock copolymers Polymer Testing, Elsevier, 60, 2017.