Thomas Wei Chung
PhD, University of South Australia
Selected Publications
Thomas W. C. HU (2019). “Innovations in Engineering Education with Graphing Calculators.” Invited Talk at the Showcasing Excellence in Teaching and Learning Symposium, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Nov. 22, 2019.
Thomas W. C. HU, H. Lam, J. Zhang and L. Zhang (2006), Solution Manual to Probability Concepts in Engineering: Emphasis on Applications to Civil and Environmental Engineering, by A.H.-S. Ang and W.H. Tang, John Wiley and Sons, New York
Thomas W. C. HU, Tan, F. and Barnes, A. (2004), New solutions to optimum vertical curve problem, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, 130(3) page:119-125
Thomas W. C. HU (2004), Using spreadsheets in mathematics education, ICT Showcase 2004: New Technologies for a New Era of Education, 11-13 Mar
Thomas W. C. HU (2003), Efficient least-squares coordinate transformation for an arbitrary number of parameters, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, 129(2) page:65-72
Thomas W. C. HU and Wilson H. TANG (2001), Automated least squares adjustment of triangulation-trilateration figures, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, 127(4) page:133-142