PhD, The University of New South Wales
Selected Publications
Jian, S., Liu, W.*, Wang, X.*, Yang, H. and Waller, S.T.*, On integrating carsharing and parking sharing services. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 142, 19-44, 2020.
Cheng, Z.*, Jian, S., Rashidi, T.H.*, Maghrebi, M.*, & Waller, S. T.*, Integrating Household Travel Survey and Social Media Data to Improve the Quality of OD Matrix: A Comparative Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(6), 2628-2636, 2020.
Dixit, V.*, Jian, S., Hassan, A.* and Robson, E.*, Eliciting perceptions of travel time risk and exploring its impact on value of time. Transport Policy, 82, pp.36-45, 2019.
Dixit, V.*, Xiong, Z.*, Jian, S. and Saxena, N.*, Risk of automated driving: Implications on safety acceptability and productivity. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125, pp.257-266, 2019.
Wijayaratna, K.P.*, Cunningham, M.L.*, Regan, M.A.*, Jian, S., Chand, S.* and Dixit, V.*, Mobile phone conversation distraction: Understanding differences in impact between simulator and naturalistic driving studies. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 129, pp.108-118, 2019.
Jian, S., Rey, D.* and Dixit, V.*, An Integrated Supply-Demand Approach to Solving Optimal Relocations in Station-Based Carsharing Systems. Networks and Spatial Economics, pp.1-22, 2018.
Jian, S., Rashidi, T.H.* and Dixit, V.*, An analysis of carsharing vehicle choice and utilization patterns using multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) models. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 103, pp.362-376, 2017.
Jian, S., Rashidi, T.H.*, Wijayaratna, K.P.* and Dixit, V.*, A Spatial Hazard-Based analysis for modelling vehicle selection in station-based carsharing systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 72, pp.130-142, 2016.
Jian, S., Rey, D.* and Dixit, V.*, Dynamic optimal vehicle relocation in carshare systems. Transportation Research Record, 2567(1), pp.1-9, 2016.
Rashidi, T.H.*, Rey, D.*, Jian, S., and Waller, S.T.*, A Clustering Algorithm for Bi‐Criteria Stop Location Design with Elastic Demand. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31(2), pp.117-131, 2016.
Postgraduate Student Positions Available
Postgraduate students (PhD or MPhil) and postdoctoral research scientist positions are available. Please contact Dr. Sisi Jian (cesjian@ust.hk) with your CV for inquiry.