PhD, The Ohio State University
Selected Publications
S. Li, A. Shetty*, K. Poolla*, and P. Varaiya*. “Optimal resource procurement and the price of causality,” in press in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (full paper), 2020.
S. Li, H. Tavafoghi*, K. Poolla*, and P. Varaiya*. “Regulating TNCs: should Uber and Lyft set their own rules?” Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, vol. 129, pp.193-225, 2019
S. Li, W. Zhang*, and L. Zhao*. “Connections between mean-field games and social welfare optimization,” Automatica (regular paper), vol.110, 2019.
S. Li, W. Zhang*, J. Lian*, and A. Conejo* “Transactive energy systems: a unifying framework for market-based coordination of distributed energy resources,” in IEEE Control System, 20(4), 26-52, 2020.
D. Muthirayan*, D. Kalathi,* S. Li, K. Poolla* and P. Varaiya*. “Selling demand response using options,” in press in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020.
S. Li, W. Zhang*, J. Lian* and K. Kalsi*. “Market-based coordination of thermostatically controlled loads-Part I: a mechanism design framework,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(2): 1170-1178, 2016.
S. Li, W. Zhang*, J. Lian* and K. Kalsi*. “Market-based coordination of thermostatically controlled loads-Part II: unknown parameters and case studies,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(2): 1179-1187, 2016
M. Brocanelli*, S. Li, X, Wang*, and W. Zhang*. “Maximizing the revenues of data centers in regulation market by coordinating with electric vehicles,” in Sustainable Computing:Informatics and Systems, 6:26-38, 2015