Pui San
PhD, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Selected Publications
Journal papers
Ng, C.W.W., Cai, W., So, P.S., Liao, J. and Lau, S.Z. (2022). Effects of biochar on shear strength of completely decomposed granite. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (In press)
Chen, X.W., Coo, J.L., So, P.S., Wang, J.J., Ng, C.W.W. and Wong, M.H. (2022). An experimental setup to prepare root-free mycorrhizal soil specimen for hydraulic conductivity measurement. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22, 1278-1285.
Ng, C.W.W., Wang, Y.C., Ni, J.J. and So, P.S. (2022). Effects of phosphorus-modified biochar on the growth and quality of Pseudostellaria heterophylla. Scientific Reports, 12, 7268.
Ng, C.W.W., So, P.S., Lau, S.Y., Zhou, C., Coo, J.L. and Ni, J.J. (2020). Influence of biopolymer on gas permeability in compacted clay at different densities and water contents. Engineering Geology, 272, 105631.
Zhou, C., So, P.S. and Chen, X.W. (2020). A water retention model considering biopolymer-soil interactions. Journal of Hydrology, 586, 124874.
Ng, C.W.W., So, P.S., Coo, J.L., Zhou, C. and Lau, S.Y. (2019). Effects of biofilm on gas permeability of unsaturated sand. Géotechnique, 69(10), 917-923.
Chen, X.W., Kang, Y., So, P.S., Ng, C.W.W. and Wong, M.H. (2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the proportion of cellulose and hemicellulose in the root stele of vetiver grass. Plant and Soil, 425(1-2), 309-319.
Ni, J.J., Leung, A.K., Ng, C.W.W. and So, P.S. (2017). Investigation of plant growth and transpiration-induced matric suction under mixed grass–tree conditions. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(4), 561-573.
Coo, J.L., So, P.S. and Ng, C.W.W. (2016). Effect of nanoparticles on the shrinkage properties of clay. Engineering Geology, 213, 84-88.
Conference papers
Coo, J.L., So, P.S., and Ng, C.W.W. (2018). One-dimensional infiltration test of a three-layer landfill cover system using natural soils. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong, 3-5 August 2018. (pp. 1255).
Coo, J.L., So, P.S. and Ng, C.W.W. (2017). Physical and numerical modeling of an earthen three-layer landfill cover system under one-dimensional infiltration. In Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Dallas, 12-15 November 2017. (pp. 247-257).
Coo, J.L., So, P.S., Chen, Z.K., Zhou, C. and Ng, C.W.W. (2016). Feasibility study of a new unsaturated three-layer landfill cover system. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris, 12-14 September 2016. (pp. 13004).