PhD, California Institute of Technology
Selected Publications
Sedehi, O., Katafygiotis, L.S., Papadimitriou, C.*, (2020) “Hierarchical Bayesian Operational Modal Analysis: Theory and Computations,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 140 (C), 106663.
Sedehi, O., Papadimitriou, C.*, Katafygiotis, L.S., (2020) “Data-Driven Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation in Structural Dynamics through a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework,” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 60 (C), 103047.
Yan, W.J.* Papadimitriou, C.*, Katafygiotis, L.S., Chronopoulos, D.*, (2020) “An analytical perspective on Bayesian uncertainty quantification and propagation in mode shape assembly” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 135, 106376.
Sedehi, O., Papadimitriou, C.*, Teymouri, D., Katafygiotis, L.S., (2019) “Sequential Bayesian Estimation of State and Input in Dynamical Systems using Output-only Measurements,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 131, 659-688.
Sedehi, O., Papadimitriou, C.*, Katafygiotis, L.S., (2019) “Probabilistic Hierarchical Bayesian Framework for Time-Domain Model Updating and Robust Predictions,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 123, 648-673.
Yan. W.J. * and Katafygiotis, L.S., "An analytical investigation into the propagation properties of uncertainty in a two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.118, pp.503-533 (2019).
Yan. W.J. * and Katafygiotis, L.S., “Application of transmissibility matrix and random matrix to Bayesian system identification with response measurements only”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.25, pp.105-117 (2016).
Feng, Z.* and Katafygiotis, L.S., “The effect of non-synchronous sensing on structural identification and its correction”, Smart Structures and Systems, 18(3), 541-568 (2016).
Wang, J. *, Katafygiotis, L.S., & Feng, Z. “An efficient simulation method for the first excursion problem of linear structures subjected to stochastic wind loads”, Computers & Structures, 166, 75-84, (2016).
Yan, W.J. * and Katafygiotis, L.S. “A two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis. Part I: posterior most probable value and uncertainty”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 54, 139-155, (2015).
Yan, W.J. * and Katafygiotis, L.S. “A two-stage fast Bayesian spectral density approach for ambient modal analysis. Part II: mode shape assembly and case studies”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 54, 156-171, (2015).
Yan, W.J. * and Katafygiotis, L.S. “A novel Bayesian approach for structural model updating utilizing statistical modal information from multiple setups”, Structural Safety, 52, 260-271, (2015).