Kit Ming LAM 林傑明

Kit Ming

PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Area
Structural and Materials
Research Interests
Flow visualization techniques
Hydraulics/Fluid mechanics
Wind engineering
Wind tunnel modeling

PhD, The University of Hong Kong

Research Projects

Experimental investigation of settling mechanisms of fine heavy particles in turbulent flows (RGC-GRF)

Wind flow field investigation to unveil excitation mechanisms for dynamic wind forces on two tall buildings under interference (RGC-GRF)

Study and site trials on the effectiveness of porous pavements in reducing surface runoff under the conditions in Hong Kong (Government Contract Research)

Hydraulics of horizontal sediment-laden jet (RGC-GRF)

Wind effects on residential tall buildings with deep re-entrant bays (RGC-GRF)

Flow regimes of vortex pattern around a circular cylinder oscillating in water (RGC-GRF)

Experimental investigation on the zone of flow establishment in a submerged round jet in a current (RGC-GRF)

Interference effects on wind loading and wind flow of a group of tall buildings in close proximity (RGC-GRF)

Mixing of a round buoyant jet in a counterflow (RGC-GRF)

Asymmetric vortex-shedding wake behind a lift-developing bluff body (RGC-GRF)

Generation of wind pressure and loading of large cantilevered roofs (RGC-GRF)

Development of particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique - and its application in environmental fluid mechanics (RGC-GRF)

Selected Publications

Sun, W.J., Lam, K.M. and Li, X.Y. (2016). Characterization of the deformable feature of bio-flocs and its impact on mass transport using laser-based imaging techniques. Colloids and Surfaces A - Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 509, 166-173.

Liu, P. and Lam, K.M. (2015). Large-eddy simulation of horizontally discharging sediment-laden jets. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 388-403.

Li, Z.Y. and Lam, K.M. (2015) Statistical evaluation of bioretention system for hydrologic performance. Water Science and Technology, 71(11), 1742-1749.

Liu, P. and Lam, K.M. (2013). Two-phase velocity measurement in a particle-laden jet. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 7, 18-29.

Wong, S.Y. and Lam, K.M. (2013). Effect of recessed cavities on wind-induced loading and dynamic responses of a tall building. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 114, 72-82.

Cheng, C.C.K., Lam, K.M., Leung, A.Y.T., Yang, K., Li, D.H.W. and Cheung, S.C.P. (2011). Wind-induced natural ventilation of re-entrant bays in a high-rise building. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99, 79-90.

Xiao, F., Lam, K.M., Li, X.Y., Zhong, R.S. and Zhang, X.H. (2011). PIV characterisation of flocculation dynamics and floc structure in water treatment. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 379, 27-35.

Or, C.M., Lam, K.M. and Liu, P. (2011). Potential core lengths of round jets in stagnant and moving environments. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 5(2), 81-91.

Lam, K.M., Liu, P. and Hu, J.C. (2010). Combined action of transverse oscillations and uniform cross flow on vortex formation and pattern of a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26, 703-721.

Lam, K.M., Hu, J.C. and Liu, P. (2010). Vortex formation processes from an oscillating circular cylinder at high Keulegan-Carpenter numbers. Physics of Fluids, 22(1), 015105-1:14.

Lam, K.M. (2009). Vortex shedding flow behind a slowly rotating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25(2), 245-262.

Lam, K.M. and Li, A. (2009). Mode shape correction for wind-induced dynamic responses of tall buildings using time-domain computation and wind tunnel tests. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 322, 740-755.

Xia, L.P. and Lam, K.M. (2009). Velocity and concentration measurements in submerged round jets in stagnant environment and in coflow. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 3, 21-34.

Lam, K.M., Leung, M.Y.H. and Zhao, J.G. (2008). Interference effects on wind loading of a row of closely spaced tall buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96, 562-583.

Lam, K.M., Lee, W.Y., Chan, C.H.C. and Lee, J.H.W. (2006). Global behaviors of a round buoyant jet in a counterflow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 132, 589-604.

Li, X.X., Liu, C.H., Leung, D.Y.C. and Lam, K.M. (2006). Recent progress in CFD modelling of wind field and pollutant transport in street canyons. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 5640-5658.

Lam, K.M. and Leung, M.Y.H. (2005). Asymmetric vortex shedding flow past an inclined flat plate at high incidence. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 24, 33-48.

Lam, K.M. and Chan, H.C. (1997). Round jet in ambient counterflowing stream. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 123(10), 895-903.

Ko, N.W.M. and Lam, K.M. (1985). Flow structures of a basic annular jet. A.I.A.A. Journal, 23(8), 1185-1190.