Jack Chin Pang
PhD, Stanford University
Teaching Activities
CIVL 2170 - Infrastructure Systems Engineering and Management
CIVL 3210 - Introduction to Construction Management
CIVL 4260 - Infrastructure Project Delivery System
CIVL 6100B - Construction Information Technology
Selected Publications
Luo, H., Wang, M., Wong, P.K.-Y., Tang, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "Construction machine pose prediction considering historical motions and activity attributes using gated recurrent unit (GRU)." Automation in Construction, (accepted).
Das, M., Luo, H., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "Securing interim payments in construction projects through a blockchain-based framework." Automation in Construction, (accepted).
Cheng, J.C.P., Kwok, H.H.L., Li, A.T.Y., Tong, J.C.K.*, and Lau, A.K.H. (2020). "Sensitivity analysis of influence factors on multi-zone indoor airflow CFD simulation." Science of the Total Environment, (accepted).
Chen, K., Chen, W., Wang, Q., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "Developing efficient mechanisms for BIM-to-AR/VR data transfer." ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, (accepted).
Li, C.T., Cheng, J.C.P., and Chen, K. (2020). "Top 10 technologies for indoor positioning on construction sites." Automation in Construction, 118, 103309.
Ma, J., Ding, Y.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, Gan, V.J., and Xu, Z.* (2020). "A Lag-FLSTM deep learning network based on Bayesian Optimization for multi-sequential-variant PM2.5 prediction." Sustainable Cities and Society, 60, 102237.
Cheng, J., Chen, K., Wong, P.K.-Y., Chen, W., and Li, C.T. (2020). "Graph-based network generation and CCTV processing techniques for fire evacuation." Building Research & Information, 1-18.
Afzal, M., Liu, Y., Cheng, J.C.P., and Gan, V.J.L. (2020). "Reinforced concrete structural design optimization: A critical review." Journal of Cleaner Production, 260, 120623.
Chen, K., Yang, J., Cheng, J.C.P., Chen, W., and Li, C.T. (2020). "Transfer learning enhanced AR spatial registration for facility maintenance management." Automation in Construction, 113, 103135.
Cheng, J.C.P., Chen, W., Chen, K., and Wang, Q.* (2020). "Data-driven predictive maintenance planning framework for MEP components based on BIM and IoT using machine learning algorithms." Automation in Construction, 112, 103087.
Wang, M., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "A unified convolutional neural network integrated with conditional random field for pipe defect segmentation." Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, 35(2), 162-177.
Gan, V.J.L., Lo, I.M.C., Ma, J., Tse, K.T., Cheng, J.C.P., and Chan, C.M. (2020). "Simulation optimization towards energy efficient green buildings: current status and future trends." Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 120012.
Ma, J., Ding, Y.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, and Xu, Z.* (2020). "Soft detection of 5-day BOD with sparse matrix in city harbor water using deep learning techniques." Water Research, 170, 115350.
Yang, L., Cheng, J.C.P., and Wang, Q. (2020). "Semi-automated generation of parametric BIM for steel structures based on terrestrial laser scanning data." Automation in Construction, 112, 103037.
Luo, H., Wang, M., Wong, P.K.-Y., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "Full body pose estimation of construction equipment using computer vision and deep learning techniques." Automation in Construction, 110, 103016, 1-19.
Kwok, H.H.L., Cheng, J.C.P., Li, A.T.Y.*, Tong, J.C.K.*, and Lau, A.K.H. (2020). "Multi-zone indoor CFD under limited information: An approach coupling solar analysis and BIM for improved accuracy" Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118912.
Cheng, J.C.P., Chen, K., and Chen, W. (2020). "A state-of-the-art review on mixed reality (MR) applications in the AECO industry." ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(2), 03119009.
Kumar, S.S.*, Wang, M., Abraham, D.M.*, Jahanshahi, M.R.*, Iseley, T.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2020). "Deep learning-based automated detection of sewer defects in CCTV videos." ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(1), 04019047.
Ma, J., Li, Z.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Ding, Y.*, Lin, C.*, and Xu, Z.* (2020). "Air quality prediction at new stations using spatially transferred bi-directional long short-term memory network." Science of The Total Environment, 705, 135771.
Ma, J., Ding, Y.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, Tan, Y., Gan, V.J.L., and Wan, Z.* (2020). "Identification of high impact factors of air quality on a national scale using big data and machine learning techniques." Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118955.
Ma, J., Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, Chen, W., and Zhang, J.* (2020). "Analyzing driving factors of land values in urban scale based on big data and non-linear machine learning techniques." Land Use Policy, 94, 104537.
Ma, J., Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, Gan, V.J.L., Wang, M., and Zhai, C.* (2020). "Real-time detection of wildfire risk caused by powerline vegetation faults using advanced machine learning techniques." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 44, 101070.
Ma, J., Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, Chen, W., Wang, M., and Zhai, C.* (2020). "A bi-directional missing data imputation scheme based on LSTM and transfer learning for building energy data." Energy and Buildings, (accepted).
Ma, J., Ding, Y.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Tan, Y.*, Gan, V.J.L., and Zhang, J.* (2019). "Analyzing the leading causes of traffic fatalities using XGBoost and grid-based analysis: A city management perspective." IEEE Access, 7, 148059-148072.
Wang, M., Deng, Y., Won, J.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "An integrated underground utility management and decision support based on BIM and GIS." Automation in Construction, 107, 102931, 1-22.
Ma, J., Ding, Y.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Jiang, F.*, and Wan, Z.* (2019). "A temporal-spatial interpolation and extrapolation method based on geographic long short-term memory neural network for PM2.5." Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 117729.
Chen, K., Chen, W., Li, C.T., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management." Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 24, 360-380.
Deng, M., Gan, V.J.L., Singh, J., Joneja, A.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "Automatic generation of fabrication drawings for facade mullions and transoms through BIM models." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 42, 100964.
Gan, V.J.L., Wong, C.L., Tse, K.T., Cheng, J.C.P., Lo, I.M.C., and Chan, C.M. (2019). "Parametric modeling and evolutionary optimization for cost-optimal and low-carbon design of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 42, 100962.
Gan, V.J.L., Wong, H.K., Tse, K.T., Cheng, J.C.P., Lo, I.M.C., and Chan, C.M. (2019). "Simulation-based evolutionary optimization for energy-efficient layout plan design of high-rise residential buildings." Journal of Cleaner Production, 231, 1375-1388.
Gan, V.J.L., Cheng, J.C.P., and Lo, I.M.C. (2019). "A comprehensive approach to mitigation of embodied carbon in reinforced concrete buildings." Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 582-597.
Wu, S.*, Shen, Q.*, Deng, Y.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "Natural-language-based intelligent retrieval engine for BIM object database." Computers in Industry, 108, 73-88.
Wang, Q., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "Development of high-accuracy edge line estimation algorithms using terrestrial laser scanning." Automation in Construction, 101, 59-71.
Tan, Y., Fang, Y.*, Zhou, T.*, Gan, V.J.L., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2019). "BIM-supported 4D acoustics simulation approach to mitigating noise impact on maintenance workers on offshore oil and gas platforms." Automation in Construction, 100, 1-10.
Deng, Y.*, Gan, V.J.L., Das, M., Cheng, J.C.P., and Anumba, C.J.* (2019). "Integrating 4D BIM and GIS for construction supply chain management." ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(4), 04019016.
Ma, J., Cheng, J.C.P., Lin, C.*, Tan, Y.*, and Zhang, J.* (2019). "Improving air quality prediction accuracy at larger temporal resolutions using deep learning and transfer learning techniques." Atmospheric Environment, 214, 116885.
Cheng, J.C.P., and Wang, M. (2018). "Automated detection of sewer pipe defects in closed-circuit television images using deep learning techniques." Automation in Construction, 95, 155-171.
Tan, Y., Song, Y.*, Zhu, J.*, Long, Q.*, Wang, X.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2018). "Optimizing lift operations and vessel transport schedules for disassembly of multiple offshore platforms using BIM and GIS." Automation in Construction, 94, 328-339.
Gan, V.J.L., Deng, M., Tse, K.T., Chan, C.M., Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2018). "Holistic BIM framework for sustainable low carbon design of high-rise buildings." Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 1091-1104.
Venkataraman, V., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2018). "Critical success and failure factors for managing green building projects." ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 24(4), 1-10.
Chen, W., Chen, K., Cheng, J.C.P., Wang, Q., and Gan, V.J.L. (2018). "BIM-based framework for automatic scheduling of facility maintenance work orders." Automation in Construction, 91, 15-30.
Song, Y.*, Tan, Y., Song, Y.*, Wu, P.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Kim, M.J.*, and Wang, X.* (2018). "Spatial and temporal variations of spatial population accessibility to public hospitals: A case study of rural-urban comparison." GIScience Remote Sensing, 2008, 1-27, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2018.1446713.
Cheng, J.C.P., Tan, Y., Song, Y.*, Mei, Z.*, Gan, V.J.L., and Wang, X.* (2018). "Developing an evacuation evaluation model for offshore oil and gas platforms using BIM and agent-based model" Automation in Construction, 89, 214-224.
Mangal, M., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2018). "Automated optimization of steel reinforcement in RC building frames using building information modeling and hybrid genetic algorithm." Automation in Construction, 90, 39-57.
Wang, Q., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2018). "Automatic as-built BIM creation of precast concrete bridge deck panels using laser scan data." ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(3), 1-17.
Song, Y.*, Wang, X.*, Tan, Y., Wu, P.*, Sutrisna, M.*, Cheng, J.C.P., et al. (2017). "Trends and opportunities of BIM-GIS integration in the architecture, engineering and construction industry: A review from a spatio-temporal statistical perspective." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(397), 1-32, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6120397.
Gan, V.J.L., Chan, C.M., Tse, K.T., Cheng, J.C.P., and Lo, I.M.C. (2017). "Sustainability analyses of embodied carbon and construction cost in high-rise buildings using different materials and structural forms." HKIE Transactions, 24(4), 216-227.
Hossain, M.U.*, Poon, C.S.*, Dong, Y.H.*, Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Development of social sustainability assessment method and a comparative case study on assessing recycled construction materials." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1-21.
Cheng, J.C.P., Tan, Y., Song, Y.*, Liu, X.*, and Wang, X.* (2017). "A semi-automated approach to generate 4D/5D BIM models for evaluating different offshore oil and gas platform decommissioning options." Visualization in Engineering, 5(12), 1-13, DOI: 10.1186/s40327-017-0053-2.
Wang, Q., Cheng, J.C.P., and Sohn, H.* (2017). "Automated estimation of reinforced precast concrete rebar positions using colored laser scan data." Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 32(9), 787-802.
Gan, V.J.L., Chan, C.M., Tse, K.T., Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "A comparative analysis of embodied carbon in high-rise buildings regarding different design parameters." Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, 663-675.
Ma, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Selection of target LEED credits based on project information and climatic factors using data mining techniques." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 32, 224-236.
Ma, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Identification of the numerical patterns behind the leading counties in the U.S. local green building markets using data mining." Journal of Cleaner Production, 151, 406-418.
Tan, Y., Song, Y.*, Liu, X.*, Wang, X.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "A BIM-based framework for lift planning in topsides disassembly of offshore oil and gas platforms." Automation in Construction, 79, 19-30.
Won, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Identifying potential opportunities of building information modeling for construction and demolition waste management and minimization." Automation in Construction, 79, 3-18.
Hossain, M.U.*, Poon, C.S.*, Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2017). "Comparative LCA on using waste materials in the cement industry: A Hong Kong case study." Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 120, 199-208.
Liu, X.*, Wang, X.*, Wright, G.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Li, X.*, and Liu, R.* (2017). "A state-of-the-art review on the integration of building information modelling (BIM) and geographic information system (GIS)." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(2), 53, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi6020053.
Gan, V.J.L., Cheng, J.C.P., Lo, I.M.C., and Chan, C.M. (2017). "Developing a CO2-e accounting methodology for quantification and analysis of embodied carbon in high-rise buildings." Journal of Cleaner Production, 141, 825-836.
Cheng, J.C.P., and Venkataraman, V. (2016). "Analyzing relationships between project team compositions and green building certification in green building projects." Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 6(5), 449-461.
Kim, M.-K.*, Wang, Q., Park, J.-W.*, Cheng, J.C.P., Chang, C.-C., and Sohn, H.* (2016). "Automated dimensional quality assurance of full-scale precast concrete elements using laser scanning and BIM." Automation in Construction, 72, 102-114.
Ma, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Identifying the influential features on the regional energy use intensity of residential buildings based on Random Forests." Applied Energy, 183, 193-201.
Ma, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Estimation of the building energy use intensity in the urban scale by integrating GIS and big data technology." Applied Energy, 183, 182-192.
Wang, Q., Kim, M., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Surface flatness and distortion inspection of precast concrete elements using laser scanning technology." Smart Structures and Systems, 18(3), 601-623.
Wang, Q., Sohn, H.*, and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Development of a mixed pixels filter for improved dimension estimation using AMCW laser scanner." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 246-258.
Wang, Q., Kim, M.-K., Cheng, J.C.P., and Sohn, H.* (2016). "Automated quality assessment of precast concrete elements with geometry irregularities using terrestrial laser scanning." Automation in Construction, 68, 170-182.
Deng, Y., Cheng, J.C.P., and Anumba, C.J.* (2016). "Mapping between BIM and 3D GIS in different levels of detail using schema mediation and instance comparison." Automation in Construction, 67, 1-21.
Cheng, J.C.P., Lu, Q., and Deng, Y. (2016). "Analytical review and evaluation of civil information modelling (CIM)." Automation in Construction, 67(1), 31-47.
Hossain, M.U.*, Poon, C.S.*, Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Comparative environmental evaluation of aggregate production from recycled waste materials and virgin sources by LCA." Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 109, 67-77.
Gan, V.J.L., Cheng, J.C.P., and Lo, I.M.C. (2016). "Integrating life cycle assessment and multi-objective optimization for economical and environmentally sustainable supply of aggregate." Journal of Cleaner Production, 113, 76-85.
Won, J., Cheng, J.C.P., and Lee, G.* (2016). "Quantification of construction and demolition waste prevented by BIM-based design validation: Case studies in South Korea." Waste Management, 49, 170-180.
Deng, Y., Cheng, J.C.P., and Anumba, C.J.* (2016). "A framework for 3D traffic noise mapping using data from BIM and GIS integration." Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12(10), 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2015.1110603.
Hossain, M.U.*, Poon, C.S.*, Lo, I.M.C., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Evaluation of environmental friendliness of concrete paving eco-blocks using LCA approach." International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21, 70-84.
Ma, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "Data-driven study on the achievement of LEED credits using percentage of average score and association rule analysis." Building and Environment, 98, 121-132.
Lu, Q., Won, J., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2016). "A financial decision making framework for construction projects based on 5D building information modeling (BIM)." International Journal of Project Management, 34(1), 3-21.
Deng, Y., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2015). "Automatic transformation of different levels of detail in 3D GIS city models in CityGML." International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 4(3), 1-21.
Cheng, J.C.P., and Lu, Q. (2015). "A review of the efforts and roles of the public sector for BIM adoption worldwide." Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 20, 442-478.
Cheng, J.C.P., and Ma, L.J. (2015). "A non-linear case-based reasoning approach for retrieval of similar cases and selection of target credits in LEED projects." Building and Environment, 93, 349-361.
Das, M., Cheng, J.C.P., and Law, K.H.* (2015). "An ontology-based web service framework for construction supply chain collaboration and management." Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 22(5), 551-572.
Gan, V.J.L., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2015). "Formulation and analysis of dynamic supply chain of backfill in construction waste management using agent-based modeling." Advanced Engineering Informatics, 20, 878-888.
Kumar, S., and Cheng, J.C.P. (2015). "A BIM-based automated site layout planning framework for congested construction sites." Automation in Construction, 59, 24-37.
Cheng, J.C.P., and Ma, L.J. (2015). "A data-driven study of important climate factors on the achievement of LEED-EB credits." Building and Environment, 90, 232-244.
Das, M., Cheng, J.C.P., and Kumar, S. (2015). "Social BIMCloud: A distributed cloud-based BIM platform for object-based lifecycle information exchange." Visualization in Engineering, 3(8), 1-20.
Cheng, J.C.P., Deng, Y.C., and Anumba, C.* (2015). "Mapping BIM schema and 3D GIS schema semi-automatically utilizing linguistic and text mining techniques." Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 20, 193-212.
Kim, M.-K., Cheng, J.C.P., Sohn, H.*, and Chang, C.-C. (2015). "A framework for dimensional and surface quality assessment of precast concrete elements using BIM and 3D laser scanning." Automation in Construction, 49, 225-238.