Ir. Dr. Chi-Keung LAU


PhD in Soil Mechanics
Adjunct Professor
Research Area
Structural and Materials
Research Interests
Soil structure interaction
Natural terrain hazard mitigation
Robotics in construction
Geotechnical centrifuge

PhD, University of Cambridge


Robot Dug Caisson To Replace Hand Dug Caisson


1.     The bearing capacity of footings on granular soils. I: Numerical analysis C K Lau, M D Bolton, Géotechnique 61 (8), 627-638 (2011)

2.     The bearing capacity of footings on granular soils. II: Experimental evidence C K Lau, M D Bolton, Géotechnique 61 (8), 639-650 (2011)

3.     Vertical bearing capacity factors for circular and strip footings on Mohr–Coulomb soil M D Bolton, C K Lau, Canadian Geotechnical Journal 30 (6), 1024-1033 (1993)

4.     Slope stability analysis and stabilization: new methods and insight Y M Cheng, C K Lau, CRC Press (2014)

5.     Frontiers in Civil Engineering: Stability of Geotechnical Structures: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis. Vol. 1. Bentham Science Publishers, Y M Cheng, H. Wong, C J Leo and C K Lau (2016)

6.     Inherent anisotropic stiffness of weathered geomaterial and its influence on ground deformations around deep excavations, C W W Ng, E H Y Leung, C K Lau, Canadian Geotechnical Journal 41 (1), 12-24 (2004)

7.     Scale effects in the bearing capacity of granular soils, M D Bolton, C K Lau, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (1989)

8.     Scale effects arising from particle size, M D Bolton, C K Lau, Centrifuge 1988: Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnical Centrifuge (1988)

9.     Scale effects in tests on footings, C K Lau, University of Cambridge (1988)

10.  常規儀器與全球定位儀相結合的全自動化遙控邊坡監測系統, J H Yin, X L Ding, Y Yang, Z Liu, D Huang, Y Q Chen, 岩石力學與工程學報 (2004)

11.   An innovative Korean system of pressure-grouted soil nailing as a slope stabilization measure, A T Yeung, Y M Cheng, C K Lau, L M Mak, R S M Yu, Y K Choi, J H Kim The HKIE Geotechnical Division 25th Annual Seminar, 43-49 (2005)

12.  Development and field testing of a multi-antenna GPS system for deformation monitoring, D Xiao-li, H Ding-fa, Y Jian-hua, C Yong-qi, C K Lau, Y Yu-wen, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 8 (2), 671-676 (2003)

13.  An integrated system for slope monitoring and warning in Hong Kong, J H Yin, X L Ding, Y Yang, C K Lau, D F Huang, Y Q Chen, Proceedings of Advanced Building Technology 2002 (ABT2002), 4-6 (2002)

14.  A new generation of multi-antenna GPS system for landslide and structural deformation monitoring, X L Ding, D F Huang, J H Yin, Y Q Chen, C K Lau, Y W Yang, Y R Sun (2002)

15. 集成的岩土邊坡自動化監測與預報系統, 殷建華, 丁曉利, 劉志強, 楊育文,黃丁發, 陳永奇, 岩石力學新進展與西部開發中的岩土工程問題 -- 中國岩石力學與工程學會第七次學術會議 (2002)

16. A Study on Factor of Safety Evaluation in Slope Stability Analysis Y M Cheng, C K Lau, HKIE transactions 8 (1), 28-34 (2001)