DEng, Kyoto University
Research Projects
Sustainable Sulfur conversion wastewater treatment processes – Woody Wu, Tianwei Hao, and Guang-Hao CHEN
SANI process optimization, demonstration, and application –Demonstration - Woody Wu, Allen Leung, YW Ha, Bo Wang, and Guang-Hao CHEN
Sludge odor control and new resource recovery – Tianwei Hao and Guang-Hao CHEN
Scale-up of self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor (SFMBR)– Dai Ji and Guang-Hao CHEN
Total Municipal Organic Waste Management by integrating Food Waste Disposal And Sewage Treatment (MOW-FAST) - Guang-Hao CHEN, T Zhang (HKU), J. Wang (HKBU), and G. Ekama (UCT)
Selected Publications
W. Fang, M. Go, D. Liang, G. H. Chen, and S. Wang (2020). Generation of zero valent sulfur from dissimilatory sulfate reduction under methanogenic conditions. Journal of Hazidous Materials, 383, 121197.
G. Wu, Z. Li, Y. Huang, F. Zan, J. Dai, J. Yao, B. Yang, G. H. Chen, and L. Lei. Electrochemically assited sukfate rduction autotrophic denitrification nitrification integrated (e-SANI) process for high strength ammonium industrial wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 381, 122707.
J. Li, L. Feng, B. K. Biswak, G. H, Chen, and D. Wu (2020). Bioaugmentation of marine anammox bacteria (MAB)-based anaerobic ammonia oxidation by adding Fe(III) in saline wastewater treatment under low temperature. Bioresource Technology, 295, 122292.
B. K. Biswal, H. Huang, J.Dai, G. H Chen, and D. Wu (2020). Impact of low-thermal pretreatment on physicochemical properties of saline waste activated sludge, hydrolysis of organics and methane yield in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 297, 122423.
H. Huang, B. K. Biswal, G. H. Chen, and D. Wu. Sulfidogenic anaerobic digestion of sulfate-laden waste activated sludge: Evaluation on reactor performance and dynamics of microbial community. Bioresource Technology, 297, 122396.
B. Biswal, B. Wang, C. J. Tang, G. H. Chen, and D. Wu. Elucidating the effect of mixing technologies on dynamics of microbial communities and their correlations with granular sludge propertises in a high-rate sulfidogenic anaerobic bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, 297, 122397.
Bai L., J. Li, B. K. Biswal, and G. H. Chen (2020). Enhanced performance of “Candidatus brocadia sinica” treating nitrogen-laden saline wastewaterresulting from sorbitol addition: enzyme activities and kinetics. Desalination, 478, 114304.
Q. Zeng, T. W. Hao, G.H Chen, and Z. Yuang (2020). Dewaterability Enhancement and Sulfide Mitigation of CEPT Sludge by Electrochemical Pretreatment. Water Research, 176, 115727.
F. Zan, J. Dai, F. Jiang, George A. Ekama, and G. H. Chen (2020). Ground food waste discharge to sewer enhance methane gas emission: a lab-scale investigation. Water Research, 174, 115616.
F. Zan, J. Dai, F. Jiang, R. C. Chan, and G. H. Chen (2020). Test of transformation mechanism of food waste and its impacts on sulfide and methane production in the sewer system. Water Science and Technology, 81 (4), pp.845–852.
Iqbal Asad, F. Zan, X. M. Liu, and G. H. Chen (2020). Municipal Solid Waste: Review of Best Practices in Application of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Management Techniques. Science of the Total Enviroment, April, 729, 138622.
S. Lin, T. W. Hao, X. Li, Y. Xiao, and G. H. Chen (2020). Pin-point Denitrification for Groundwater Purification without Direct Chemical Dosing: Demonstration of a Two-Chamber Denitrifying Bioelectrochemical. Water Research, 182, 115918.
Z. Wu, G. Gang, D. Wu, K. Biswal, J. Dai, and G. H. Chen (2020). Denitrifying sulfur conversion-EBPR (DS-EBPR) process for treatment of seawater-based highly saline wastewater: Evaluation on performance, kinetics and microbial community structure. Bioresource Technology, 313, 123574.
H. Wang, J. Li, B. Wang, and G. H. Chen (2020). Deciphering pollutants removal mechanisms and genetic responses to ampicillin stress in simultaneous heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification (SHNAD) process treating seawater-based wastewatr. Bioresource Technology, 313, 123827.
W. Zhu, J. Li, B. Wang, and G. H. Chen (2020). Enhancement of pollutants removal from saline wastewater through simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process with glycine betaine addition. Bioresource Technology, 315, 123784.
X. L. Li, T. W. Hao, Y. Tang, and G. H. Chen. A “Seawater-in-Sludge” approach for capacitive biochar production via the alkaline and alkaline earth metals activation. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 15(3).
Y. Xie, D. Dai, and G. H. Chen. Feasibility study on applying the iron-activated persulfate system as a pre-treatment process for clofibric acid selective degradation in municipal wastewater. Science of the Total Enviromenment (in presse).
F. Zan, A. Iqbal, G. Guo, X. M. Liu, J. Dai, G. A. Ekama, and G. H. Chen (2020). Integrated food waste management with wastewater treatment in Hong Kong: Transformation, energy balance and economic analysis. Water Research (in press).
A. Iqbal, G. A. Ekama, F. Zan, X. M. Liu, H.-K. Chui, and G. H. Chen (2020). Potential for co-disposal and treatment of food waste with sewage: a plant-wide steady-state model evaluation. Water Research (in press).
K.-L Lam, J-Y. Wu, D. Wu, Di, G. H. Chen, and P. Cheung (2020). The homecoming decade of high-throughput investigation of polysaccharides. Journal of Argricultural and Food Chemistry (in press).
B. K. Biswal, B. Wang, L. Chen, G. H. Chen, and D. Wu (2020). Rational design of sulfidogenic granular sludge reactor with clostridia as dominant bacteria for energy-efficient sulfate-laden wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 124017.
M. A. Siddiqui, J. Dai, D. Guan, and G. H. Chen (2019). Exploration of the formation of self-forming dynamic membrane in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor. Separation and Purification Technology, 212, pp.757-766.
B. Wang, J. Dai, G. A. Ekama, X. Hao, D. Wu and G. H. Chen (2019). Elucidating the effects of starvation and reactivation on anaerobic sulfidogenic granular sludge reactor performance and granular sludge transformation. Water Research, 151, pp.44-53.
G. Guo, D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, T. Hao, J. Dai, Y. Cui, B. K. Biswal, G. H. Chen (2019). Investigation of multiple polymers in a denitrifying sulfur conversion-EBPR system: The structural dynamics and storage states. Water Research, 156, pp.179-187 .
ZS Liang, L. Zhang, D. Wu, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang (2019). Systematic evaluation of a dynamic sewer process model for prediction of odor formation and mitigation in large-scale pressurized sewers in Hong Kong. Water Research, 154, pp.93-104.
Cui, Y. X., Guo, G., Biswal, B. K., Chen, G. H. and Wu, D. (2019). Investigation on sulfide-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification in moving-bed biofilm reactors: An innovative approach and mechanism for the process start-up. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 140, pp.90-98.
J. Qian, G. H. Chen, F. Jiang (2019). Roles of Sulfite and Internal Recirculation in Organic Compound Removal and the Microbial Community Structure of a Sulfur Cycle-Driven Biological Wastewater Treatment Process. Chemosphere, 226, pp.825-833.
F. Zan, Z. S. Liang, F. Jiang, J. Dai, and G. H. Chen (2019). Effects of food waste addition on biofilm formation and sulfide production in a gravity sewer. Water Research, 157, pp.74-82.
G. Guo, B. K. Biswal, Y.-X. Cui, D. Wu, G. H. Chen (2019). An innovative approach for optimizing the start-up of sulfide-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification in moving-bed biofilm reactors. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 140, pp.90-98.
Y. X. Cui, D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, Y. F. Deng, H. K. Chui, and G. H. Chen. Elucidating the biofilm properties and biokinectics of a sulfur-oxidizing moving-bed biofilm for mainstream nitrogen removal. Water Research, 162, pp. 246-257.
Guo, G., Wu, D., Ekama, G. A., Ivleva, N. P., Hao, X., Dai, J., Cui, Y., Biswal, B., Chen, G. (2019). Investigation of multiple polymers in a denitrifying sulfur conversion-EBPR system: The structural dynamics and storage states. Water Research, 156, pp. 179-187.
Iqbal Asad, F. Zan, X. M. Liu and G. H. Chen (2019). Integrated municipal solid waste management scheme of Hong Kong: a comprehensive analysis in terms of global warming potential and energy use. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, pp. 1079-1088.
J. Wang, Y. Hong, Z. Lin, C. Zhu, J. Da, G. H. Chen, and J. Feng (2019). A novel biological sulfur reduction process for mercury-contaminated wastewater treatment. Water Research, 160, pp. 288-295.
H. Huang, D. Wu, G. Ekama, B. Biswal, J. Dai, F. Jiang, and G. H. Chen (2019). A new sulfidogenic oxic-settling anaerobic (SOSA) process: the effects of sulfur-cycle bioaugmentation on the operational performance, sludge properties and microbial communities. Water Research, 162, pp.30-42.
X. L. Li, T. W. Hao, S. Lin, S. K. Khanal, and G. H. Chen (2019). Elucidating pyrolysis behavior of activated sludge in granular and flocculent form: reaction kinetics and mechanism. Water Research, 162, pp.409-419.
Y.-X. Cui, B. Biswal, G. Guo, Y.-F. Deng, H. Huang, G. H. Chen, D. Wu (2019). Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater using sulphur-driven autotrophic denitrification. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(15), pp.6023-6039.
X. M. Liu, J. Dai, T.-L. Ng, G. H. Chen (2019). Evaluation of potential environmental benefits from seawater toilet flushing. Water Research, 162, pp.505-515.
Z. S. Liang, J. Sun, H. K-M Chau, E. I-M. Leong, D. Wu, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang (2019). Experimental and modelling evaluations of sulfide formation in mega-sized deep tunnel sewer systems and implications for sewer management in China. Environment International, 131, 105011.
G. Guo, D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, T. Hao, J. Dai, Y.Wang, B. K. Biswal, G. H. Chen (2019). Advances in sulfur conversion-associated enhanced biological phosphorus removal sulfate-rich wastewater treatment: a review. Bioresource and Biotechnology, 285, 121303.
J. Qian, M. Zhang, R. Jing, L. Bai, B. Zhou, M. Zhao, X. Pei, L. Wei, G. H. Chen (2019). Thiosulfate as the electron acceptor in Sulfur Bioconversion-Associated Process (SBAP) for sewage treatment. Water Research, 163, 114850.
Y.-F. Deng, G. Ekama; Y.-X. Cui, C.-J. Tang, M. van Loosdrecht, D. Wu, and G. H. Chen (2019). Coupling of sulfur(thiosulfate)-driven denitratation and Anammox process to treat nitrate and ammonium contained wastewater. Water Research , 163, 114864.
W. Q. Xue, Q. Zeng, S. Lin, F. X. Zan, T. W. Hao, Y. M. Lin, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht , and G. H. Chen (2019). Recovery of high-value and scarce resources from biological wastewater treatment: sulfated polysaccharides. Water Research, 163, 114889.
G. Kaur, Liwen Luo, G. H. Chen, and J. W. C. Wong (2019). Integrated food waste and sewage treatment - A better approach than conventional food waste-sludge co-digestion for higher energy recovery via anaerobic digestion. Bioresource and Biotechnology, 289, 121698.
Q. Zhao, M. Yu, H. Lu; Y. Zhang, B. Biswal, G. H. Chen, and D. Wu (2019). Formation and characterization of the micro-size granular sludge in denitrifying sulfur-conversion associated enhanced biological phosphorus removal (DS-EBPR) process. Bioresource and Biotechnology, 291, 121871.
Y.-X. Cui. B. Biswal. M. van Loosdrecht, G. H. Chen and D. Wu (2019). Long term performance and dynamics of microbial biofilm communities performing sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification in a moving-bed biofilm reactor. Water Research, 166, 115038.
H. G. Huang, R.-L. Liu, Y.-P. Mao, B. K. Biswal, D. Wu (2019). Investigation on polyphosphate accumulation in the sulfur transformation-centric EBPR (SEBPR) process for treatment of hightemperature saline wastewater. Water Research, 167, 115138.
H. G. Wang, B. K. Biswal, Y. P. Mao, G. H. Chen (2019). Multiple-cycle operation of sulfur-cycle-enhenced biological phosphorus removal to maintain stable performance at high temperature. Bioresource and Biotechnology, 289, 121736.
Q. Zeng, T. W. Hao, B. Sun, J. Luo, G. H. Chen and J. Crittenden (2019). Electrochemical pretreatment for sludge sulfide control without chemical dosing: a mechanistic study. Envrion. Sci & Technol., 53 (24), pp.14559-14567.
Q. Zhao, M. Yu, H. Lu, Y. Zhang, BK Biswal, G. H. Chen, D. Wu (2019). Imntracellularly stroed polysulfur maintains homeostasis of pH and provides bioenergy for phosphrous metabolism in the sulfur-associated enhenaced biological phosphorous removal (DS-EBPR) process. Chemosphere, 235, pp.211-219.
X. D. Hao, G. H. Chen, and Z. G. Yuan. Water in China (special issue), Water Research, 168, 2019.
Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Li, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang. (2018). A novel elemental sulfur reduction and sulfide oxidation integrated process for wastewater treatment and sulfur recycling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 342, pp.438-445.
Y. Jia, S. K. Khanal, H. Shu, H. Zhang, G. H. Chen, and Lu, H. (2018). Ciprofloxacin degradation in anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) sludge system: Mechanism and pathways. Water Research, 136, pp.64-74.
B. Wang, D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, T.-H. Tsui, F. Jiang, and G. H. Chen. (2018). Characterization of a new continuous gas-mixing sulfidogenic anaerobic bioreactor: Hydrodynamics and sludge granulation. Water Research, 135, pp.251-261.
L. Chen, T.-H. Tsui, G. A. Ekama, H. R. Mackey, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen. (2018). Development of biochemical sulfide potential (BSP) test for sulfidogenic biotechnology application. Water Research, 135, pp.231-240.
H. Lu, H. Huang, W. M. Yang, H. R. Mackey, S. K. Khanal, D. Wu, and G. H. Chen (2018). Elucidating the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of dissolved sulfide on sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) driven autotrophic denitrification. Water Research, 133, pp. 165-172.
G. Guo, Y. Wang, T. W. Hao, D. Wu, and G. H. Chen. (2018). Enzymatic nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 12(1), pp.1-12.
R. Sun, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, G. H. Chen and F. Jiang (2018). Realizing high-rate sulfur reduction under sulfate-rich conditions in a biological sulfide production system to treat metal-laden wastewater deficient in organic matter. Water Research, 131, pp.239-245.
L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Sun, G. H. Chen and F. Jiang. (2018). Self-accelerating sulfur reduction via polysulfide to realize a high-rate sulfidogenic reactor for wastewater treatment. Water Research, 130, pp.161-167.
L. Zhang, X. Lin, Z. Zhang, G. H. Chen and F. Jiang. (2018). Elemental sulfur as an electron acceptor for organic matter removal in a new high-rate anaerobic biological wastewater treatment process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 331, pp.16-22.
F. X. Zan, J. Dai, Y. Hong, M. Wong, F. Jiang, and G. H. Chen (2018). The characteristics of household food waste in Hong Kong and their implications for sewage quality and energy recovery. Waste Management, 74, pp.63-73 (IF 4.030).
Y. Wang, F. Zan, G. Guo, T. W. Hao, J. Wang and G. H. Chen (2018). A novel approach for quantification of elemental sulfur (S0) in environmental samples. Water Science and Technology, 2017(2), pp.467-472.
S. Wang, Z. Liang, M. Siegert, W. Fang, Y. Sun, F. Jiang, H. Lu, and G. H. Chen (2018). (2018). Blackening and Odorization of Urban Rivers: A Biogeochemical Process. FEMS Micorbiology Ecology, 94(3), pp.180-192. (IF 3.720).
J. T. Wang, L. Zhang, Y. Kang, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang (2018). Long-term feeding of elemental sulfur alters microbial community structure and eliminates mercury methylation potential in SRB-abundant activated sludge. Environmental Science & Technology,52(8), pp.4746-4753.
T.-H. Tsui, G. A. Ekama, and G. H. Chen (2018). Role of intermittent gas sparging in a super high-rate anaerobic system: Quantitative characterization and analysis of granule transformations. Water Research, 139, pp.177-186.
G. Guo, D. Wu, T. W. Hao, G. A. Ekama, and G. H. Chen (2018). Denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR: Effects of temperature and carbon source on anaerobic metabolism and performance. Water Research, 141, pp.9-18.
D. Guan, J. Dai, Y. Watanabe and G. H. Chen (2018). The Change of Physical Properties of Dynamic Layer and Its Correlation with Permeate Quality in Self-forming Dynamic Membrane Bio-reactor. Water Research,140, pp.67-76.
D. Guan, Ji. Dai, G. H. Chen, and M. Siddiqui (2018). Comparison of different chemical cleaning reagents on fouling recovery in a self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor (SFDMBR). Separation and Purification Technology, 206, pp.158-165.
B. Wang, D. Wu, X. L. Zhang, H. Mackey, and G. H. Chen (2018). Sludge flotation, its causes and control in granular sludge upflow reactors. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 15, pp.6383-6392.
S. Lin, T. W. Hao, M. C. M. Loosdrecht and Chen, G. H. (2018). Biological sulfur oxidation in wastewater treatment: a review of emerging opportunities. Water Research, 143, pp.399-415.
G. Kaur, S. Mehariya, O. P. Karthikeyan, G. H. Chen, and J. W. C. Wong (2018). Food waste treatment by anaerobic co-digestion with saline sludge and its implications for energy recovery in Hong Kong. Bioresource Technology, 268, pp.824-828.
Y. X. Cui, D. Wu, H. R. Mackey, H. K. Chui and G. H. Chen (2018). Application of a moving-bed biofilm reactor for sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification. Water Science and Technology, 77(4), pp.1207-1034.
Z. Qian, T. W. Hao, H. R. Mackey, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, and G. H. Chen. Recent advances in dissimilatory sulfate reduction: from metabolism study to application. Water Research, 150, pp.162-181.
J. W. C. Wong, G. Kaur, S. Mehariya, O. P. Karthikeyan, and G. H. Chen (2018). Food waste treatment by anaerobic co-digestion with saline sludge and its implications for energy recovery in Hong Kong. Bioresource Technology, 268, pp.824–828.
Q. Zeng, H. Mackey, L. Wei, G. Guo, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen (2017). Alkaline Textile Wastewater Biotreatment: A Sulfate-reducing Granular Sludge Based Lab-scale Study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 332, pp.104-111. (IF 6.060)
X. L. Li, J. Luo, G. Guo, H. R. Mackey, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen (2017). Seawater-based wastewater accelerates development of aerobic granular sludge: A laboratory proof-of-concept. Water Research, 115, pp.210-219. (IF 6.942)
Y. Jia, S. K. Khanal, H. Zhang, G. H. Chen, and H. Lu. (2017). Sulfamethoxazole degradation in anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria sludge system. Water Research, 119, pp.12-20.
Y. Y. Wei, J. Dai, H. R. Mcaky, and G. H. Chen. The feasibility study of autotrophic denitrification with solid iron sludge produced for sulfide control. Water Research, 122, pp.226-233.
B. Wang, D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, H. Huang, H. Lu, and G. H. Chen (2017). Optimal mixing mode and intensity prevent sludge flotation in sulfidogenic anaerobic sludge bed reactor. Water Research, 122, pp.481-491.
G. Guo, D. Wu, T.W. Hao, H. R. Mackey, L. Wei, and G. H. Chen (2017). Denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR: pH effect on the anaerobic metabolism and performance. Water Research, 123, pp.687-695.
W. Q. Xue, T. W. Hao, H. R. Mackey, Richard C Chan, X. L. Li, and G. H. Chen (2017). The role of sulfate in an aerobic granular sludge reactor treating brackish wastewater. Water Research, 124, pp.513-520.
R Sun, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang; G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang. Realizing high-rate sulfur reduction under sulfate-rich conditions in a biological sulfide production system to treat metal-laden wastewater deficient in organic matter. Water Research, 131, pp. 239-245.
Y. Zhang, M. Yu, J. Guo, D. Wu, Z. S. Hua, G. H. Chen and H. Lu. Spatialtemporal heterogeneity and synergetic competition of core functional bacteria in denitrifying sulfur conversion-assisted enhanced biological phosphorus removal reactors. Scietific Reports, 7, 1. Artic le 10927. (IF 4.295).
L. Zhang, X. Lin, Z. Zhang, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang (2018). Elemental sulfur as an electron acceptor for organic matter removal in a new high-rate anaerobic biological wastewater treatment process. Chemical Engineering Journal (IF 6.216), 331, pp.16-22.
Y. Y. Qiu, J. H. Guo, L. Zhang, G. H. Chen, and F. Jiang (2017). A high-rate sulfidogenic process based on elemental sulfur reduction: cost-effectiveness evaluation and microbial communitiy analysis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 128, pp. 26-32 (IF 2.892).
L. Zhang, F. Jiang, Y. Zhang, X. J. Lin, and G. H. Chen. Use of elemental sulfur in a new high-rate biological treatment process for sludge-minimized wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 331, pp. 16-22.
Y. X. Cui, D. Wu, G. H. Chen. Application of moving bed biofilm reactor for sulfur-oxidizing denitrification. Water Science and Technology (10.2166/wst.2017.617). (IF 1.197).
Y. Wang, C. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Xia, K. K. Cheung, S. W. K. Lai, G. H. Chen, and T. Zhang. Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste with sewage sludge and phylogenetic characterization on the dominant lineages. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnolog, 101(20), pp. 7755-7766. (IF 3.420)
G. Guo, Y. Wang, T. W. Hao, D. Wu, and G. H. Chen. Enzymatic nitrous oxide production during wastewater treatment. Frontiers of Environ Sci& Engrg., 12:10 (IF 1.716)
F. X. Zan, J. Dai, Y. Hong, M. Wong, F. Jiang, and G. H. Chen. The characteristics of household food waste in Hong Kong and their implications for sewage quality and energy recovery. Waste Management, 74, pp.63-73 (IF 4.030)
Z. Liang, M. Siegert, W. Fang, Y. Sun, F. Jiang, H. Lv, G. H. Chen and S. Wang. Blackening and Odorization of Urban Rivers: A Biogeochemical Process. FEMS Micorbiology Ecology, 94(3), pp.1-12. (IF 3.720).
Y. Wang, C. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Xia, G. H. Chen, and T. Zhang (2017). Investigation on the anaerobic co-digestion of food waste with sewage sludge. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 101, pp.7755–7766.
Liu X. M., Dai J., F. Jiang, Chui H.K., G. H. Chen, and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2016). Sustainable application of a novel water cycle using seawater for toilet flushing. Engineering, 2(4), 460-469 (invited paper) (A new Elsevier Journal organized by Chinese Academy of Engineering).
G. Guo, D. Wu, T.W. Hao, Hamish R. Mackey, L. Wei, H.G. Wang, and G. H. Chen (2016). Functional bacteria and process metabolism of Denitrifying Sulfur conversion-associated Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR) system: an investigation by manipulating the system from deterioration to restoration. Water Research, 95, pp.289-299.
D. Wu, G. A. Ekama, H. K. Chui, B. Wang, Y. X. Cui, H. Huang, T.W. Hao, L. Wei, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, and G. H. Chen (2016). Large-scale demonstration of Sulfate reduction Autotrophic denitrification Nitrification Integrated (SANI®) process in saline sewage treatment in Hong Kong. Water Research, 100, pp.496-507.
G. Guo, D. Wu, T.W. Hao, Hamish R. Mackey, L. Wei, H. G. Wang, and G. H. Chen (2016). Granulation of susceptible sludge under carbon deficient conditions: A case of denitrifying sulfur conversion-associated EBPR process. Water Research, 103, pp.445-452.
Tsui, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen (2016). A super high-rate sulfedogenic system for saline wastewater treatment. Water Research, 104, pp.147-155.
W.M. Yang, H. Lu, S. K. Khanal, Q. Zhao, L. Meng, and G. H. Chen (2016). Granulation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria for autotrophic denitrification. Water Research, 104, pp.507-519.
M. Yu, H. Lu, Y. L. Li, D. Wu, Q. Zhao, F. Meng, Y. Wang, and G. H. Chen (2016). Effects of carbon-to-sulfur (C/S) ratio and nitrate (N) dosage on Denitrifying Sulfur cycle-associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR). Scientific Reports, 6, article 23221 (IF=5.5228).
J. Qian, L. Wei, R. L. Liu, H. Lu, and G. H. Chen (2016). An exploratory study on high chromate, organics and sulfate-laden wastewater treatment by UASB. Scientific Reports, 6, article 23964.
T. W. Hao, G. Z. Su, L. Wei, and G. H. Chen (2016). Example study for granular bioreactor stratification: three dimensional evaluation of a sulfate reducing granular bioreactor. Scientific Reports, 6, article 31718.
F. Jiang, L. Zhang, G.-L. Peng, S.-Y. Liang, and G. H. Chen (2016). Impacts of lead and mercury on sulfate-reducing bacterial activity in a biological FGD wastewater treatment process. Scientific Reports, 6, article 30455.
H. R. Mackey, G. R. Morito, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen (2016). Pursuit of urine nitrifying granular sludge for beneficial decentralized treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=5.53), 289, pp.17-27.
A. M. K. Mbaya, J. Dai, J. and G. H. Chen (2016). Potential Benefits and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Equipping Buildings in Dense Cities for Struvite Production from Source-Separated Human Urine. Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=4.959), 143, pp.288-302.
C. Yin, F. Feng, Y. Meng, and G. H. Chen (2016). Different ultraviolet-visible absorance specta for characterizing metal ions binding onto extracellular polymeric susbtances in different mixed microbial culture. Chemosphere (IF=3.698), 159, pp.267-274.
T. W. Hao and G. H. Chen (2016). Resilience of sulfate-reducing granular sludge against environment. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 100(19), pp.8563-8572 (IF=3.337).
Zan F., Hao T. W., K. Chi, and Chen G. H (2016). Using sulfite pretreatment to improve biodegradability of waste activated sludge. RSC Advances, 6, pp.71875-71881 (IF=3.84).
W. H. Gan, H. Huang, X. Yang, Z. Peng, and G. H. Chen (2016). Disinfection byproducts in mixed chlorine dioxide and chlorine water treatment. RSC Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 2(25), pp. 838-847 (IF=2.171).
T. P. H. van den Brand, K. Roest, G. H. Chen, D. Brdjanovic, and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht (2016). Adaptation of sulfate-reducing bacteria to sulfide exposure. Enviromental Engineering Science, 33(4), pp.242-249.
T. Tsui, T. W. Hao, and G. H. Chen. (2016). Granulation of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria through Gas-Enhanced Operation and Stepwise Organic Stressing. HKIE Transactions, 23(4), pp.222-229.
W. M. Yang, Z. Ding, Q. Zhao, H. Lu, L. Chen and G. H. Chen (2015). Sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification in the SANI process significantly reduces N2O emissions. Water Research, 90, pp.176-184.
C. Yin, F. G. Meng and G. H. Chen (2015). Spectroscopic characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from a mixed culture dominated by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Water Research, 68, pp. 740-749.
J. Qian, H. Lu, and G. H. Chen (2015). Investigation on thiosulfate-involved organics and nitrogen removal by a sulfur cycle-based biological wastewater treatment process. Water Research, 69, pp.295-306.
T. W. Hao, J. H. Luo, L. Wei, H. R. Mackey, R. L. Liu, M. Guillermo, and G. H. Chen (2015). Physiochemical and biological characterization of long-term operated granular anaerobic granular sludge in the SANI process. Water Research, 71, pp.74-84.
J. Qian, R. L. Liu, L. Wei, H. Lu, and G. H. Chen (2015). System evaluation and microbial analysis of a sulfur cycle-based wastewater treatment process for co-treatment of simple wet flue gas desulfurization wastes with freshwater sewage. Water Research, 80, pp.189-199.
X. D. Hao, H. Furumai, and G. H. Chen (2015). Efficient approaches to sustainable water and wastewater treatment. Water Research. 86, pp. 83-84.
W. T. Tang, J. Dai, R. L. Liu, and G. H. Chen (2015). Microbial ureolysis in SUPR: kinetic study and reactor verification. Water Research, 87, pp.10-19.
J. Wang, S. Y. Li, F. Jiang, W. Ke, G. Liu, H. Lu, G. H. Chen (2015). A modified oxic-settling-anaerobic activated sludge process using gravity thickening for excess sludge reduction. Scientific Reports, 5, article number 13972.
J. H. Luo, L. Wei, T. W. Hao, H. R. Mackey, and G. H. Chen (2015). Effect of tyrosine on aerobic sludge granulation and its stability. RSC Advances, 5 (105), pp.86513-86521 (IF=3.84).
T. P. H. van den Brand, K. Roest, G. H. Chen, D. Brdjanovic, and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht (2015). Occurrence and activity of sulphate reducing bacteria in aerobic activated sludge systems. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 31(3), pp. 507-516 (IF=1.179).
T. P. H. van den Brand, K. Roest, G. H. Chen, D. Brdjanovic, and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht (2015). Effect of chemical oxygen demand, nutrients, and salinity on sulfate reducing bacteria. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 32(10), pp. 858-864.
T. P. H. van den Brand, K. Roest, G. H. Chen, D. Brdjanovic, and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht (2015). Potential for beneficial application of sulfate reducing bacteria in sulfate containing domestic wastewater treatment. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 31 (11), pp. 1675-1681.
T. P. H. van den Brand, K. Roest, G. H. Chen, D. Brdjanovic, and M. C. M. van Loosdrecht (2015). Long-term effect of seawater on sulfate reduction in wastewater treatment. Environmental Engineering Science, 32(7), pp. 622-630 (IF=0.99).
G. H. Chen and Hiroaki Ozaki (2015). Newly developed treatment technology for saline Sewage and wastewater‐moving from Pilot to Full Scale Application of SANI® Process (invited article). Journal of Environmental Conservation Engineering (in Japanese, invited), 44(5), pp.286-291.