PhD, Pusan National University, Korea
Selected Publications
(* corresponding author, after 2010, first author only)
Nguyen-Xuan, T., Qiu, L., Im, E.-S., Hur, J.*, and Shim, K.-M.*, Sensitivity of summer precipitation over Korea to the convective parameterizations in the RegCM4: An updated assessment, Advances in Meteorology. No. 1329071, 2020.
Kim, J.-B.*, Im, E.-S., and Bae, D.-H.*, Intensified hydroclimatological regime in Korean basins under 1.5 and 2℃ global warming, Int. J. Climatol. Vol. 40, pp.1965-1978, 2020.
Qiu, L., Im, E.-S., Hur, J.*, and Shim, K.-M.*, Added value of very high resolution in climate simulations over South Korea using Weather Research and Forecasting modeling system, Climate Dynamics. Vol. 54, pp.173–189, 2020.
Lee, M.-H., Bae, D.-H.*, and Im, E.-S., Effect of the horizontal resolution of climate simulations on the hydrological representation for extreme low and high flows, Water Resources Management. Vol. 33, pp.4653–4666, 2019.
Im, E.-S., Nguyen-Xuan, T., Kim, Y.-H.*, and Ahn, J.-B.*, 2018 Summer extreme hot temperatures in South Korea and their intensification under 3°C global warming scenario, Environ. Res. Lett. Vol. 14, No. 094020, 2019.
Lee, M.-H., Im, E.-S., and Bae, D.-H.*, Impact of the spatial variability of daily precipitation on hydrological projections: A comparison of GCM- and RCM-driven cases in the Han River basin, Korea, Hydrological Processes. Vol. 33, pp.2240-2257, 2019.
Chen, C.-C.*, Lo, M.-H.*, Im, E.-S., Yu, J.-Y.*, Liang, Y.-C.*, Chen, W.-T.*, Tang, I.*, Thermodynamic and dynamic responses to deforestation in the Maritime Continent: A modeling study, J. Climate. Vol. 32, pp.3505-3527, 2019.
Lee, M.-H., Im, E.-S., and Bae, D.-H.*, A comparative assessment of climate change impacts on drought over Korea based on multiple climate projections and multiple drought indices, Climate Dynamics. Vol. 53, pp.389-404, 2019.
Kang, S.-C., Im, E.-S., and Eltahir, E. A. B.*, Future Climate Change Enhances Rainfall Seasonality in a Regional Model of Western Maritime Continent, Climate Dynamics. Vol. 52, pp.747-764, 2019.
Lee, M.-H., Lu, M., Im, E.-S., and Bae, D.-H.*, Added value of dynamical downscaling in hydrological projection at Chungju basin, Korea, Int. J. Climatol. Vol. 39, pp.516-531, 2019.
Im, E.-S., Kang, S.-C.*, and Eltahir, E. A. B.*, Projections of rising heat stress over the western Maritime Continent from dynamically downscaled climate simulations, Global & Planetary Change. Vol. 165, pp.160-172, 2018.
Im, E.-S., and Eltahir, E. A. B.*, Simulations of the diurnal variation of rainfall over the western Maritime Continent using a regional climate model, Climate Dynamics. Vol. 51, pp.73-88, 2018.
Im, E.-S., and Eltahir, E. A. B.*, Simulations of the observed "jump" in the West African monsoon and its underlying dynamics using the MIT Regional Climate Model, Int. J. Climatol. Vol. 38, pp.841-852, 2018.
Im, E.-S., Pal, J. S.*, and Eltahir, E. A. B.*, Deadly heat waves projected in the densely-populated agricultural regions of South Asia, Science Advances. Vol. 3, No. e1603322, pp.1-7, 2017.
Im, E.-S., Choi, Y.-W.*, and Ahn, J.-B.*, Worsening of heat stress due to global warming in South Korea based on multi-RCM ensemble projections, J. Geophy. Res: Atmospheres. Vol. 122, pp.11444-11461, 2017.
Im, E.-S., Y.-W. Choi and J.-B. Ahn*, 2017: Robust intensification of hydroclimatic intensity over East Asia from multi-model ensemble regional projections. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129, 1241-1254.
Alter, E.R.*, Im, E.-S.*, and E.A.B. Eltahir, 2015: Rainfall consistently enhanced around the Gezira Scheme in East Africa due to irrigation. Nature Geoscience, 8, 763-767 (Chosen by the editor focus session of "Sustainability on Earth"). (*These authors contributed equally to this work).
Im, E.-S., J.-B. Ahn*, and S.-R. Jo, 2015: Regional climate projection over South Korea simulated by the HadGEM2-AO and WRF model chain under the RCP emission scenarios. Climate Research, 69, 249-266.
Im, E.-S.*, and E.A.B. Eltahir, 2014: Enhancement of rainfall and runoff upstream from irrigation location in a climate model of West Africa. Water Resources Research, 50, 8651-8674.
Im, E.-S.*, R.L. Gianotti, and E.A.B. Eltahir, 2014: Improving the simulation of the West Africa Monsoon using the MIT Regional Climate Model. J. Climate, 27, 2209-2229.
Im, E.-S.*, M.P. Marcella, and E.A.B. Eltahir, 2014: Impact of potential large-scale irrigation on the West African Monsoon and its dependence on location of irrigated area. J. Climate, 27, 994-1009.
Im, E.-S.*, S.-R. In and S.-O. Han, 2013: Numerical simulation of the heavy rainfall caused by a convection band over Korea: A case study on the comparison of WRF and CReSS. Natural Hazard, 69, 1681-1695.
Im, E.-S.*, J.-H. Kwon, B.-J. Lee, S.-R. In and S.-O. Han, 2012: Potential increase of flood hazards over Korea due to global warming from a high-resolution regional climate simulation. Asia-Pacific J. Atmospheric Science, 48, 107-113.
Im, E.-S.*, J. B. Ahn, and D.-W. Kim, 2012: An assessment of future dryness over Korea under global warming from the RegCM3-ECHAM5 model chain under A1B emission scenario. Asia-Pacific J. Atmospheric Science, 48, 325-337.
Im, E.-S., I. W. Jung*, and D.-H. Bae, 2011: The temporal and spatial structure of recent and future trends in extreme indices over Korea from a regional climate projection. Int. J. Climatol., 31, 72-86.
Im, E.-S.*, and J. B. Ahn, 2011: On the elevation dependency of present-day and future climate simulations from a high-resolution regional climate model. J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 89, 89-100.
Im, E.-S.*, E. Coppola, F. Giorgi, and X. Bi, 2010: Local vs. remote effects of climate change over the Alpine region: A study with a high resolution regional climate model with a surrogate climate change scenario. Geophy.Res.Lett., 37, L05704, doi:10.1029/2009GL041801.
Im, E.-S., I. W. Jung*, H. Chang, D.-H. Bae, and W.-T. Kwon, 2010: Hydrometeorological response to dynamically downscaled climate change simulations for Korean basins. Climatic Change, 100, 485-508.
Im, E.-S.*, E. Coppola, F. Giorgi, and X. Bi, 2010: Validation of a high resolution regional climate model for the Alpine region and effects of a subgrid-scale topography and land-use representation. J. Climate, 23, 1854-1873.
Postgraduate Student Positions Available:
Ph.D. and M.Phil. student positions are available. Interested parties are invited to apply. Please email ceim@ust.hk for more information.