Dengbo HE 賀登博


PhD in Industrial Engineering
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Research Area
Research Interests
Drivers' Interactions with Driving Automation
Distracted Driving
Machine Learning and Driver State Estimation
In-Vehicle HMI Design and Driver Training
Automated Vehicles & Other Road Agents

PhD, University of Toronto

Selected Publications

He D., DeGuzman A. C., Donmez B. (2021), Anticipatory driving in automated vehicles: The effects of driving experience and distraction. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

He D., Kanaan D., Donmez B. (2021). In-vehicle displays to support driver anticipation of traffic conflicts in automated vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 149(105842).

He D., Donmez B. (2020). The influence of visual-manual distractions on anticipatory driving. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (0018720820938893).

He D., Donmez B., Liu C. C., & Plataniotis, K. N. (2019). High cognitive load assessment in drivers through wireless electroencephalography and the validation of a modified n-back task. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 49(4), 362-371.

He D., & Donmez B. (2019). Influence of driving experience on distraction engagement in automated vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2673(9), 142–151.