Ben Yui Bun
PhD, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Projects
Hong Kong Research Grant Council RGC No. 612207 for the project on Operational Requirements for Long Span Bridges under Strong Wind Conditions.
Hong Kong Research Grant Council RGC Reference Number 612106 for the finite strip analysis of the spatial vibration of multi-support, long span bridges
Hong Kong Research Grant Council RGC No. 610505 for the development of life cycle cost analysis and management of reinforced/prestressed concrete structures
RUSAL funded research on large-scale pre-insulated fiber reinforced aluminum envelope and roof system (US$500,000)
RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant No. 611908 for the Performance and Dynamic Characteristics of Composite Long-span Cable- stayed Bridges
Selected Publications
Chan Ben Y. B., Chernousov Andrey (2018), “Optimizing in-situ nitridation in piled aluminium flakes for novel closed cell composites with high fracture stress and toughness Materials and Design”, Materials and Design, Vol 150, 15 July 2018, Pages 113-123
Chan Ben Y. B., Chernousov Andrey (2016), “Novel form-stable phase change material composite for high-efficiency room temperature control”, Journal of Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016, ISBN/ISSN : 0927-0248;1879-3398, SOLMAT-D-16-01737R1
Yang Liu, JS Kuang, BYB Chan (2017), “Flexural behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymer–aluminium sandwich curtain walls”, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, January 13, 2017 #doi.org/10.1177/1099636216681193
Chan Ben Y. B., Chernousov Andrey (2016), “Numerical Simulation of Thermal Mass Enhanced Envelopes for Office Buildings in Subtropical Climate Zone”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, v. 118, April 2016, p. 214-225
Chan Ben Y. B., Chernousov Andrey (2015), “Thermal Characterization of Smart and Large Scale Building Envelope System in a Subtropical Climate”, International Journal of Civil, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, Vol.9, No.4, 2015
Ben Y. B. Chan & Paul T. C. Pang (2017), “Carbon Nano Fibre Reinforced Aluminium and Its Impact on Sustainable Development”, Joint Structural Division Conference on Green Structures and Construction, 2017, Page: 30-40
Ben Y. B. CHAN (2015), “A New Perspective on the Use of Phase-change Material in Buildings”, Materials Science and Technology in Engineering Conference (MaSTEC 2015) - Frontiers of Sustainable Materials, 2 / F Pearl Ballroom, Eaton Hotel Hong Kong, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, 25 Jun 2015