Enrichment Activities

CIVL Peer Mentoring Program (CPMP)


The CIVL Peer Mentoring Program (CPMP) aims to facilitate smooth transition to the new major program of Year 2 students. Senior students will be grouped in pairs and serve as mentors of a group of Year 2 students to provide them necessary support and help them to pursue academic achievement and personal growth.

Roles and Responsibilities of Peer Mentors
  • Provide care and support to mentees through various means
  • Share your experiences in different aspects (such as campus life, study-related matters, etc.)
  • Provide general information about the program
  • Organize mentoring sessions or group activities
What Will Peer Mentors Gain?
  • Make new friends
  • Personal growth (such as communication skills, counselling skills, leadership skills, problem solving skills)
  • Gain a sense of achievement through helping others
Exclusive Privileges
  • Team Building Workshop
  • Training Workshops
  • Leadership Training Camp
  • Senior UG students
  • Willing to help
  • Reachable and be committed
  • Open-minded
  • Empathetic and supportive
  • A certificate of appreciation will be issued to peer mentors who have successfully completed the program

Apply NOW!