Enrichment Activities

CIVL Student Ambassador Program



The CIVL Student Ambassador Program (#CSA) aims at providing enthusiastic students with a platform to get together and display their passion for civil engineering.

Duties of CSAs
  • Representing the Department in the Departmental and University activities and events (such as HKIE Accreditation Visit)
  • Interacting with prospective students and parties during outreach activities 
  • Assisting in outreach activities (such as leading the student helpers in the Information Day)
  • Contributing content and being featured on CIVL's brochures, website, social media, promotional videos, etc.
  • Planning and managing CIVL's social media
What Will CSAs Gain?
  • Exposure
  • Personal growth 
  • Campus-life enrichment
  • Resume building
  • Friendship
Exclusive Privileges
  • Team building workshop
  • Training workshops
  • Leadership training camp
  • Study tour
  • Departmental nomination to various applications such as hall residence
Recognition (Upon completion of the SA Program)
  • Certificate of appreciation
  • Reference letter
  • Scholarship (HK$2,000 per CSA)
  • Appreciation gathering
  • Outstanding Student Ambassador Award (Grand Prize): will be presented to selected CSA based on performance and service hours
  • All CIVL/CIEV/CIGBM/CVGBM UG students (both local, non-local and international students are welcomed!)
  • CGA 2.5 or above
  • Outgoing and be committed
  • Energetic and passionate
Important Dates
Date Event
12 July Application Deadline
Week of 2 Sept Interview


Apply NOW!