I am holding a Tenure-track Associate Professor position at the Institute for the Environment and Health at Nanjing University (NJU). I received my B.Eng. degree in Environmental Engineering from NJU in 2014 and Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2019. I exchanged to Purdue University in 2019 and Stanford University in 2022. I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at HKUST from 2020 to 2022 and as a Research Assistant Professor at HKUST from 2022 to 2023. I am the recipient of the NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Award (Overseas), the IUVA “Rising Star” Award, RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the SENG PhD Research Excellence Award. My research explores links between public health, engineering, and sustainability, with particular focuses on employing fundamental photochemistry and radical chemistry to improve water treatment and reuse engineering, developing novel ultraviolet-based techniques for healthcare applications, and understanding the water-health nexus.
Selected Publications
Yin, R.*, Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhao, J.*, Shang, C. Far-UVC Photolysis of Peroxydisulfate for Micropollutant Degradation in Water. Environmental Science & Technology 2024. Link
Wang, Y., Ma, B., Zhao, J., Tang, Z., Li, W., He, C.*, Xia, D., Linden, K., Yin, R.* Rapid Inactivation of Fungal Spores in Drinking Water by Far-UVC Photolysis of Free Chlorine. Environmental Science & Technology 2023. Link
Zhao, J., Shang, C., Yin, R.* Developing a hybrid model for predicting the reaction kinetics between chlorine and micropollutants in water. Water Research 2023, 120794.Link
Yin, R., Anderson, C., Zhao, J., Boehm, A., Mitch, A. W.* Controlling Contaminants Using a Far-UVC-based Advanced Oxidation Process for Potable Reuse. Nature Water 2023, 1, 555–562. Link
Zhao, J., Payne, E., Liu, B., Shang, C.*, Blatchley, E., Mitch, W., Yin, R.* Making waves: Opportunities and challenges of applying far-UVC radiation in controlling micropollutants in water. Water Research 2023, 120169. Link
Wang, Y.; Ma, B.; He, C.,* Xia, D., Yin, R.* Nitrate protects microorganisms and promotes formation of toxic nitrogenous byproducts during water disinfection by Far-UVC radiation. Environmental Science & Technology 2023. Link
Zhao, J., Shang, C.*, Yin, R.* A high-radical-yield advanced oxidation process coupling Far-UVC radiation with chlorinated cyanurates for micropollutant degradation in water. Environmental Science & Technology 2023. Link
Ma, D.1, Yin, R.1, Liang, Z., Liang, Q., Xu, G., Lian, Q., Wong, P., He, C., Xia, D.*, Lu, H.* Photo-sterilization of groundwater by tellurium and enhancement by micro/nano bubbles. Water Research 2023, 233, 119781. Link
Wang, Y.1, Yin, R.1,*, Tang, Z., Liu, W., He, C.*, Xia, D.* Reactive nitrogen species mediated inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms during UVA photolysis of nitrite at surface water levels. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 17, 12542–12552. Link
Li, J.1, Cassol, G.1, Zhao, J., Sato, Y., Jing, B., Zhang, Y., Shang, C., Yang, X., Ao, Z., Chen, G., Yin, R.* Superfast degradation of micropollutants in water by reactive species generated from the reaction between chlorine dioxide and sulfite. Water Research 2022, 118886. Link
Zhao, J., Peng, J., Yin, R.*, Fan, M., Yang, X., Shang, C.* Multi-angle comparison of UV/chlorine, UV/monochloramine, and UV/chlorine dioxide processes for water treatment and reuse. Water Research 2022, 118414. Link
Peng, J., Yin, R.*, Yang, X., Shang, C.* A novel UVA/ClO2 advanced oxidation process for the degradation of micropollutants in water. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 2, 1257–1266. Link
Zhao, J., Shang, C., Zhang, X., Yang, X.*, Yin, R.* The multiple roles of chlorite on the concentrations of radicals and ozone and formation of chlorate during UV photolysis of free chlorine. Water Research 2020, 116680. Link
Yin, R., Blatchley, E.*, Shang, C.* UV photolysis of mono- and dichloramine using UV-LEDs as radiation sources: Photodecay rates and radical concentrations. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 13, 8420–8429. Link
Yin, R., Shang, C.* Removal of micropollutants in drinking water using UV-LED/chlorine advanced oxidation process followed by activated carbon adsorption. Water Research 2020, 116297. Link
Yin, R., Ling, L.*, Shang, C.* Wavelength-dependent chlorine photolysis and subsequent radical production using UV-LEDs as light sources. Water Research 2018, 142, 452–458. Link
Yin, R., Peng, J., Sun, J.*, Li, C., Xia, D., Shang, C.* Simultaneous removal of hydrogen sulfide, phosphate and emerging organic contaminants, and improvement of sludge dewaterability by oxidant dosing in sulfide-iron-laden sludge. Water Research 2021, 117557. Link
Tang, Z., Qu, W., Lin, Z., Li, J., Wu, P., Lian, Q., He C., Yin, R.*, Wong, P., Xia, D.* Rapid and complete inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms by solar-assisted in-situ H2O2 generation using a polypyrrole-supported copper sulfide system. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 123047. Link
Yin, R., Fan, C., Sun, J.*, Shang, C.* Oxidation of iron sulfide and surface-bound iron to regenerate granular ferric hydroxide for in-situ hydrogen sulfide control by persulfate, chlorine and peroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 336, 587–594. Link
Yin, R., Ling, L.*, Lu, S., Li, H., Li, C., Shang, C.* Degradation of aliphatic halogenated contaminants in water by UVA/Cu–TiO2 and UVA/TiO2 photocatalytic processes: Structure-activity relationship and role of reactive species. Chemosphere 2020, 127644. Link
Yin, R., Ling, L.*, Xiang, Y., Yang, Y., Bokare, A.D., Shang, C.* Enhanced photocatalytic reduction of chromium (VI) by Cu-doped TiO2 under UV-A irradiation. Separation and Purification Technology 2018, 190, 53–59. Link
Yin, R.*, Zhong, Z., Ling, L.*, Shang, C. Fate of dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) in UV/Cl2 and UV/H2O2 processes during potable water reuse. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2018, 4, 1295–1302. Link
Yin, R., Sun, J.*, Xiang, Y., Shang, C.* Recycling and reuse of rusted iron particles containing core-shell Fe-FeOOH for ibuprofen removal: adsorption and persulfate-based advanced oxidation. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 178, 441–448. Link
Yin, R., Shen, P., Lu, Z.* A green approach for the reduction of graphene oxide by the ultraviolet/sulfite process. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 550, 110–116. Link
Yin, R.1, Hu, L.1, Xia, D.*, Yang, J., He, C.*, Liao, Y., Zhang, Q., He, J. Hydroxylamine promoted Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle on ilmenite surface to enhance persulfate catalytic activation and aqueous pharmaceutical ibuprofen degradation. Catalysis Today 2019, 358, 294–302. Link
Li, J.*, Zhang, Z., Xiang, Y., Jiang, J., Yin, R.* Role of UV-based advanced oxidation processes on NOM alteration and DBP formation in drinking water treatment: A state-of-the-art review. Chemosphere 2022. Link
Sun, B., Zheng, Y., Shang, C., Yin, R.*. Concentration-dependent chloride effect on radical distribution and micropollutant degradation in the sulfate radical-based AOPs. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 128450. Link
Zhao, J.1, Peng, J.1, Shang, C., Yin, R.*. Revisiting the protocol for determining submicromolar concentrations of ozone in the water treated by advanced oxidation processes. Chemosphere 2022, 135117. Link
Tang, Z. 1, Yin, R.1, Qu, W., Liu, H., Luo, H., Xia, D.*, Huang, Y., Shu, L., He. C. A flower pollen-based photosensitization process for enhanced solar disinfection of drinking water: reactor design and inactivation mechanisms. ACS ES&T Engineering 2022, 2, 629–641 (Co-first author) Link
Kong, Q., Fan, M., Yin, R.*, Zhang, X., Lei, Y., Shang, C., Yang, X.* Micropollutant abatement and byproduct formation during the co-exposure of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and UVC radiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 419, 126424. Link
Fan, M., Yang, X., Kong, Q, Lei, Y., Zhang, X.*, Yin, R.*, Shang, C. Sequential ClO2-UV/chlorine process for micropollutant removal and disinfection byproduct control. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 150354. Link
Peng, F.1, Yin, R.1, Liao, Y., Xie, X., Sun, J., Xia, D.*, He, C.* Kinetics and mechanisms of enhanced degradation of ibuprofen by piezo-catalytic activation of persulfate. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 392, 123818. (Co-first author) Link
Xia, D.1, Yin, R.1, Sun, J., An, T., Li, G., Wang, W., Zhao, H., Wong, P.K.* Natural magnetic pyrrhotite as a high-efficient persulfate activator for micropollutants degradation: Radical identification and toxicity evaluation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 340, 435–444. (Co-first author) Link
Xia, D., Tang, Z., Wang, Y., Yin, R.*, He, H., Xie, X., Sun, J., He, C.*, Wong, P., Zhang, G. Piezo-catalytic persulfate activation system for water advanced disinfection: process efficiency and inactivation mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 125894. Link
Zhao, H., Guan, X., Zhang, F., Huang, Y., Xia, D.*, Hu, L., Ji, X., Yin, R.*, He, C.* Rational design of a bismuth oxyiodide (Bi/BiO1-xI) catalyst for synergistic photothermal and photocatalytic inactivation of pathogenic bacteria in water. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 2021, 100, 2110–119. Link
Gassol, G., Shang, C., Li, J.*, Ling, L., Yang, X., Yin, R.* Dosing low-level ferrous iron in coagulation enhances the removal of micropollutants, chlorite and chlorate during advanced water treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2022, 117, 119-128. Link
Lu, Z., Wang, Q., Yin, R.*, Chen, B. and Li, Z. A novel TiO2/foam cement composite with enhanced photodegradation of methyl blue. Construction and Building Materials 2016, 129, 159–162. Link
Honors and Awards
IUVA “Rising Star” Award (only 1 awardee per year) [Award Information]
SENG PhD Research Excellence Award (only 1 awardee per year at HKUST) [Award Information]
Hong Kong Research Grants Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (only 50 awardees per year from all disciplines at all UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong) [Award Information]
Distinguished PhD Student Award by Shanghai Tongji Gao Tingyao Environmental Science and Technology Development Foundation (only 20 awardees per year from all universities in China)
Best Paper Award at 4th National Conference on Water Treatment and Reuse of China
SENG Academic Award for Continuing PhD Students
SENG Top RPG Award
HKUST Overseas Research Award
Best Papers 2018 in the themed collections of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Paper Link
Best Presentation Award (1st Prize) at the 2nd International Institute of Environmental Science (IIES) Graduate Students Forum
Honorary Mention of Common Core Course Excellence Award Link