Kenny C. S.
PhD, Monash University
Research Projects
Active Vibration Control of Earthquake/Wind Excited Structures Using a Shaker Table - B. Samali, Kenny C.S. KWOK and F. Naghdy
An Assessment of Motion Acceptance Criteria for Human Occupancy in the Design of Flexible Structures - C. W. Letchford, Kenny C.S. KWOK and D.L. Morrison
Control of Environmentally Induced Tall Building Vibrations by Liquid Column Vibration Absorber - Kenny C.S. KWOK, P.A. Hitchcock and B. Samali
Experimental and Computational Study of Thunderstorm Downbursts and Their Wind Effects and Loading on Buildings and Structures - Kenny C.S. KWOK, G.S. Wood and D.A. Fletcher
Motion Dependent Aeroelastic Effects on Wind-Excited Tall Buildings of Complex Geometry and with Coupled Modes of Vibration - Kenny C.S. KWOK
Selected Publications
Kenny C.S. KWOK (1994), A state of the Art Volume on Wind Engineering Wiley Eastern Limited, Delhi. page:180-204
Kenny C.S. KWOK, Hitchcock, P.A., Watkins, R.D. and Samali, B. (1997), Characterisation of liquid column vibration absorber (LCVA) - I & II, Engineering Structures, 19(2) page:126-144
Kenny C.S. KWOK, Holmes, J.D., Sankaran, R. and Syme, M.J. (1997), Eigenvector modes of fluctuating pressures on low-rise building models, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 69-71 page:697-707
Kenny C.S. KWOK and Glanville, M.J. (1997), Measurements of topographic multipliers and flow separation from a steep escarpment. Part II model measurements, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 69-71 page:893-902
Thepmongkorn, S. and Kenny C.S. KWOK (1998), Wind-induced coupled translational-torsional motion of tall buildings, Wind and Structures, 1(1) page:43-58