Jun Shang
PhD, University of Cambridge
PhD, The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Activities
CIVL 232 Design of reinforced concrete
CIVL 324 Design of prestressed concrete
CIVL 101 Discovering civil and environmental engineering
CIVL 531 Structural analysis and design of tall buildings
CIEM 5361 Seismic design of concrete structures
Current Research Projects
Enhancing the ductility of non-seismically designed RC structures
Seismic performance of infilled RC frames: reversed-cyclic and shake-table tests
Seismic behaviour and analysis of RC wide beam-column joints and beam-column knee joints
Seismic vulnerability assessment of tall buildings
Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete in shear
Recent Publications
Wang X, Kuang JS (2019). “Effect of limited tension stiffening in RC elements under cyclic loads”. ACI Structural Journal. (to appear)
De Filippo M, Kuang JS (2019). “Pseudo-lower bound analysis for assessing concrete slabs”. Structures and Buildings, ICE. (to appear)
Mogili S, Kuang JS, Huang RYC (2019). “Effects of beam-column geometry and eccentricity on seismic behaviour of RC beam-column knee joints”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. (published online 17 January 2019)
Huang RYC, Kuang JS, Behnam H (2019). “Shear strength of exterior wide beam-column joints with different beam reinforcement ratios”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. (published online 16 November 2018)
Wang X, Kuang JS (2019). “Effect of limited tension stiffening on behavior of RC panels in shear”. ACI Structural Journal, 116(2), 147-157.
Liu Y, Kuang JS (2019). “Estimating seismic demands of singly symmetric buildings by spectrum-based pushover analysis”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(4), 2093-2113.
Mogili S, Kuang JS (2019). “Reversed cyclic experimental performance of knee joints under variable closing and opening stresses”. Engineering Structures, 178, 116-127.
Behnam H, Kuang JS (2018). “Exterior RC wide beam-column connections: effect of spandrel beam on seismic behavior”. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 144(4): 04018013.
Yuen YP, Zhang H, Kuang JS, Huang Q (2018). “Shake table tests on RC frames infilled by slitted masonry panels”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16(9), 4027-4052.
Behnam H, Kuang JS, Abdouka K (2018). “Effect of post-tensioned spandrel beam on wide beam-column connections”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 70(1), 28-41.
Behnam H, Kuang JS, Wong HF, Huang Q, Al-Mahaidi R (2018). “Analysis of laterally loaded exterior wide beam-column connections”. Magazine of Concrete Research, 70(10), 500-511.
Liu Y, Kuang JS, Huang Q (2018). “Extended spectrum-based pushover analysis for predicting earthquake induced forces in high-rise buildings”. Engineering Structures, 167, 351-362.
Liu Y, Kuang JS, Huang Q (2018). “Modified spectrum-based pushover analysis for estimating seismic demand of dual wall-frame systems”. Engineering Structures, 165, 302-314.
Behnam H, Kuang JS, Samali B (2018). “Parametric finite element analysis of RC wide beam-column connections”. Computers and Structures, 205, 28-44.
Liu Y, Kuang JS, Chan BYB (2018). “Flexural behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymer–aluminium sandwich curtain walls”. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 20(7), 783-810.
Wan KT, Zhu H, Yuen TYP, Chen B, Hu C, Leung CKY, Kuang JS (2018). “Development of low drying shrinkage foamed concrete and hygro-mechanical finite element model for prefabricated building façade applications”. Construction and Building Materials, 165, 939-957.
Zhang H, Kuang JS, Yuen TYP (2017). “Low seismic damage strategies for infilled RC frames: shake-table tests”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46, 2419-2438.
Liu Y, Kuang JS (2017). “Spectrum-based pushover analysis to estimate seismic demand of tall buildings”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(10), 4193-4214.
Kuang JS, Behnam H, Huang Q (2017). “Effective beam width of RC wide beam-column connections”. Structures and Buildings, ICE, 170(5), 336-353.
Huang Q, Guo Z, Kuang JS, Behnam H (2017). “Seismic retrofit of beam-column joints using prestressing wire”. Structures and Buildings, ICE, 170(10), 707–721.
Luk SH, Kuang JS (2017). “Cyclic behaviour and force transfer mechanisms of exterior wide beam-column connections”. Engineering and Computational Mechanics, ICE, 170(2), 71-88.
Behnam H, Kuang JS, Huang RYC, (2017). “Exterior RC wide beam-column connections: effect of beam width ratio on seismic behaviour”. Engineering Structures, 147: 27-44.
Yuen YP, Kuang JS (2017). “Seismic performance and lateral stability of RC frames with vertical irregular infill arrangements”. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(2), 1750025(24pp).
Behnam H, Kuang JS, Huang Q (2017). “Equivalent-frame analysis for effective wall width of nonplanar beam-wall connections”. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 26(1), e1303:1-17.
Yuen YP, Kuang JS (2017). “Revisiting the effect of axial force ratio on the seismic behaviour of RC building columns”. Structural Engineering International, IABSE, 27(1), 88-100.
Kantar E, TYP Yuen, Kobyaa V, Kuang JS (2017). “Impact dynamics and energy dissipation capacity of fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete plates”. Construction and Building Materials, 138, 383-397.
Yuen YP, Kuang JS, Ho DYB (2017). “Ductility design of RC columns. Part 2: Extent of critical zone and confinement reinforcement”. HKIE Transactions, 24(1), 42-53.