PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teaching Activities
CIVL2410 Environmental Engineering and Management
CIVL2420 Water and Wastewater Engineering
CIVL4430 Environmental Impact Assessment
CIVL5430 Aquatic Chemistry
CIVL5460 Landfill Engineering and Design
CIVL5470 Industrial Wastewater Treatment
JEVE5470 Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Research Projects
Removal of Intermediate Aromatic Halogenated DBPs by Activated Carbon Adsorption: A New Approach to Controlling Regulated Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids in Chlorinated Drinking Water
Formation of Polar Iodinated DBPs and Control Strategies for Iodinated/Brominated DBPs during Chlorination of Saline Sewage Effluents
Evaluating the Comparative Toxicity of Drinking Water DBP Mixtures from Different Disinfection Processes: A New Approach with a Marine Polychaete 2021
Invited Keynote or Plenary Speeches
Keynote Speech “Contributions of aromatic halo-DBPs to the TOX and development toxicity of chlorinated drinking water" American Chemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, USA, August 22 -26, 2021. |
2020 |
Plenary Speech “Separation, Characterization and Toxicity of Aromatic Halogenated DBPs” The 7th National Symposium on Disinfection and DBPs, Xi’an, China. December 4 - 6, 2020.
2019 |
Keynote Speech “A New Approach to Evaluating the Mixture Toxicity: Organic Inorganic Aromatic Aliphatic Disinfection Byproducts” The 10th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Tianjin, China. August 15 - 19, 2019. |
2019 |
Plenary Speech “New Approach in Toxicity Evaluation and Engineering Control of DBP Mixtures: Organics vs. Inorganics & Aromatics vs. Aliphatic” Gordon Research Conference on Water Disinfection, Byproducts and Health. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA. July 28 - August 2, 2019. https://www.grc.org/water-disinfection-byproducts-and-health-conference/2019/
2019 |
Keynote Speech “A New Approach to Controlling Halogenated DBPs in Drinking Water Treatment by Reversing GAC Adsorption and Chlorine Disinfection” Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI) 2019 Retreat Conference: Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen, China. July 15 - 17, 2019
2019 |
Keynote Speech “A New Approach to Evaluating the Toxicity of DBP Mixtures of Different Disinfection Processes” The 3rd National Conference on Water Treatment and Reuse. Guangzhou, China. March 29 - 31, 2019.
2018 |
Plenary Speech “Using Seawater for Toilet Flushing: Formation and Marine Ecotoxicity Evaluation of Polar Brominated Disinfection Byproducts in Chlorinated Saline Wastewater Effluents” The United Nations Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) Workshop on Relevance of Inputs of DBPs into the Marine Environment, Berlin, Germany. November 22 – 23, 2018.
2018 |
Keynote Speech “A New Approach to Controlling Halogenated DBPs in Drinking Water Treatment by Reversing GAC Adsorption and Chlorine Disinfection” The 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018). Hong Kong, China. August 16–18, 2018.
2018 |
Keynote Speech “TOX Evolution from High Molecular Weight DBPs to Aromatics to Aliphatics” The 14th National Water Treatment Chemistry Conference. Shanghai, China. May 9–15, 2018.
2017 |
Plenary Speech “TOX Evolution from High Molecular Weight DBPs to Aromatics to Aliphatics” Gordon Research Conference on Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA. July 30 - August 4, 2017. https://www.grc.org/drinking-water-disinfection-by-products-conference/2017/
2017 |
Plenary Speech “Selective Detection of Aromatic Halogenated DBPs and Their Toxicity and Control” Xiangshan Science Conferences on Health Risk and Control of DBPs in China. Beijing, China. May 22-23, 2017.
2017 |
Plenary Speech “Effect of Boiling on Halogenated DBPs in Tap Water” The 4th Conference on Disinfection and Disinfection Byproducts. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. July 21-23, 2017.
2017 |
Plenary Speech “Removal of intermediate aromatic halogenated DBPs by activated carbon adsorption: A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs in chlorinated drinking water” International Symposium on Emerging Contaminants and Environmental Nanotechnology. Tianjin, China. May 23-27, 2017.
2016 |
Plenary Speech “Removal of intermediate aromatic halogenated DBPs by activated carbon adsorption: A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs in chlorinated drinking water” The 3rd Conference on Disinfection and Disinfection Byproducts of China. Tongji University, Shanghai, China. July 23-24, 2016.
2016 |
Plenary Speech “A novel method for characterizing polar halogenated disinfection byproducts using LC/MS/MS precursor ion scan’ The 12th Workshop on Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Environmental Analysis and Food Safety. Barcelona, Spain. July 5-6, 2016.
2016 |
Plenary Speech “Removal of intermediate aromatic halogenated DBPs by activated carbon adsorption: A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs in chlorinated drinking water” Busan Water International Workshop on NOM and Control of DBPs. Busan, Republic of Korea, March 23-24, 2016.
2015 |
Keynote Speech “Chemical and Toxicological Analyses of Halogenated Disinfection Byproducts in Tap Water and Boiled Tap Water” The 7th International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Honolulu, HI. December 15-20, 2015.
2015 |
Plenary Speech “Removal of intermediate aromatic halogenated DBPs by activated carbon adsorption: A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs in chlorinated drinking water” Gordon Research Conference on Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA. August 9−14, 2015. http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=13781 |
2012 |
Plenary Speech “Precursor ion scan using (UPLC/)ESI-tqMS: A new approach for characterizing highly polar bromo/iodo DBPs” Gordon Research Conference on Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. August 5−10, 2012. |
2012 |
Plenary Speech “Saline wastewater from using seawater for toilet flushing is less harmful to marine ecosystem than freshwater wastewater” The 15th Chinese Chemical Society Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment. Tianjin, China. August 10−12, 2012.
2012 |
Plenary Speech “Using seawater for toilet flushing: Formation and marine ecotoxicity evaluation of polar brominated disinfection byproducts in chlorinated saline wastewater effluents” The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2012). Nanjing, China. June 5−10, 2012. |
Selected Publications
Au, C. K.; Chan, K. K. J.; Chan, W.; Zhang, X. R. Occurrence and stability of PCMX in water environments and its removal by municipal wastewater treatment processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 445, 130550.
Mitch, W.A.; Richardson, S.D.; Zhang, X. R.; Gonsior, M. High-molecular-weight by-products of chlorine disinfection. Nature Water 2023, 1, 336–347.
Li, W. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Han, J. R. Formation of larger molecular weight disinfection byproducts from acetaminophen in chlorine disinfection. Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 16929−16939.
Li, Y.; Li, W. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Jiang, J. Y. Effects of ultrasonication on the DBP formation and toxicity during chlorination of saline wastewater effluents? Journal of Environmental Sciences 2022, 117, 326–335.
Grote, M.; Boudenne, J. L.; Croue, J. P.; et al. Inputs of disinfection by-products to the marine environment from various industrial activities: Comparison to natural production. Water Research 2022, 217 118383.
Yang, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Jiang, J. Y.; Han, J. R.; Li, W. X.; Li, X. Y.; Leung, K. M. Y.; Snyder, S. A.; Alvarez, P. J. J. Which micropollutants in water environments deserve more attention globally? Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 13−29.
Yeom, Y. J.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Shang, C.; Zhang, T.; Li, X. Y.; Duan, X. D.; Dionysiou, D. D. A review on the degradation efficiency, DBP formation, and toxicity variation in the UV/chlorine treatment of micropollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 424, 130053.
Chen, B. Y.; Jiang, J. Y.; Yang, X.; Zhang, X. R.; Westerhoff, P. Roles and knowledge gaps of point-of-use technologies for mitigating health risks from disinfection byproducts in tap water: a critical review. Water Research 2021, 200, 117265.
Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Jiang, J. Y.; Li, W. X. How much of the total organic halogen and developmental toxicity of chlorinated drinking water might be attributed to aromatic halogenated DBPs? Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, 5906−5916.
Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, W. X.; Jiang, J. Y. Low chlorine impurity might be beneficial in chlorine dioxide disinfection. Water Research 2021, 188, 116520.
Liu, J. Q.; Sayes, C. M.; Sharma, V. K.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X. R. Addition of lemon before boiling chlorinated tap water: A strategy to control halogenated disinfection byproducts. Chemosphere 2021, 263, 127954.
Zhang, D.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, W.; Li, Y.; Li, A.; Pan, Y. Identification, formation, and control of polar brominated disinfection byproducts during cooking with edible salt, organic matter and simulated tap water. Water Research 2020, 172, 115526.
Zhang, X. X.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Shen, J. M., Chen, Z. L.; Chu, W.; Kang, J., Zhao, S. X.; Zhou, Y. Y. Application of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry to characterize natural organic matter, Chemosphere 2020, 260, 127458.
Liu, J. Q.; Li, Y.; Jiang, J. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Sharma, V. K.; Sayes, C. M. Effects of ascorbate and carbonate on halo-disinfection byproducts and their developmental toxicity during boiling of tap water. Chemosphere 2020, 254, 126890.
Cai, W. W.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Liu, Y. Formation mechanisms of emerging organic contaminants during on-line membrane cleaning with NaOCl in MBR. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 386, 121966.
Li, Y.; Jiang, J. Y.; Li, W. X.; Zhu, X. H.; Zhang, X. R.; Jiang, F. Volatile DBPs contributed marginally to the developmental toxicity of drinking water DBP mixtures against Platynereis dumerilii. Chemosphere 2020, 252, 126611.
Jiang, J. Y.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R. Nonhalogenated aromatic DBPs in drinking water chlorination: A gap between NOM and halogenated aromatic DBPs. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 1646–1656.
Yang, A. J. K.; Chan, S. N.; Lee, J. H. W.; Zhang, X. R. Integral model of a reacting chlorine jet in ammonia nitrogen and treated primary effluent. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 2019, 27, 50–64.
Pan, L.; Zhang, X. R.; Yang, M. T.; Han, J. R.; Jiang, J. Y.; Li, W. X.; Yang, B.; Li, X. Y. Effects of dechlorination conditions on the developmental toxicity of a chlorinated saline primary sewage effluent: Excessive dechlorination is better than not enough. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 692, 117–126.
Font-Ribera, L.; Marco, E.; Grimalt, J. O.; et al. Exposure to disinfection by-products in swimming pools and biomarkers of genotoxicity and respiratory damage – The PISCINA2 Study. Environment International 2019, 131, 104988.
Wu, Q. Y.; Zhou, Y. T.; Li, W. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Du, Y.; Hu, H.Y. Underestimated risk from ozonation of wastewater containing bromide: Both organic byproducts and bromate contributed to the toxicity increase. Water Research 2019, 162, 43–52.
Xiang, Y. Y.; Deng, Z.; Yang, X.; Shang, C.; Zhang, X. R. Transformation of adenine and cytosine in chlorination — an ESI-tqMS investigation. Chemosphere 2019, 234, 505–512.
Yang, M. T.; Zhang, X. R.; Liang, Q. H.; Yang, B. Application of (LC/)MS/MS precursor ion scan for evaluating the occurrence, formation and control of polar halogenated DBPs in disinfected waters: A review. Water Research 2019, 158, 322–337.
Yang, M. T.; Liberatore, H. K.; Zhang, X. R. Current methods for analyzing drinking water disinfection byproducts. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2019, 7, 98–107.
Li, W. X.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Han, J. R.; Zhu, X. H.; Choi, K. C.; Jiang, J. Y. Conversion of haloacid disinfection byproducts to amino acids via ammonolysis. Chemosphere 2019, 224, 351–359.
Liu, J. Q.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, Y.; Li, W. X.; Hang, H.; Sharma, V. K. Phototransformation of halophenolic disinfection byproducts in receiving seawater: Kinetics, products, and toxicity. Water Research 2019, 150, 68–76.
Jiang, J. Y.; Zhang, X. R. A smart strategy for controlling disinfection byproducts by reversing the sequence of activated carbon adsorption and chlorine disinfection. Science Bulletin 2018, 63, 1167–1169.
Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R. Evaluating the comparative toxicity of DBP mixtures from different disinfection scenarios: A new approach by combining freeze-drying or rotoevaporation with a marine polychaete bioassay. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, 10552–10561.
Li, W. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, X. Y.; Lee, J. H. W. Mystery of the high chlorine consumption in disinfecting a chemically enhanced primary saline sewage. Water Research 2018, 145, 181–189.
Zhang, Y. L.; Bu, Y. N.; Han, J. R.; Liu, Y.; Chen, B. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Yang, M. T.; Sui, Y. T. A facile and green pretreatment method for nonionic total organic halogen (NTOX) analysis in water — Step I. Using electrodialysis to separate NTOX and halides. Water Research 2018, 145, 631–639.
Bu, Y. N.; Song, M. R.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, Z. X.; Chen, B. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Yang, M. T. A facile and green pretreatment method for nonionic total organic halogen (NTOX) analysis in water — Step II. Using photolysis to convert NTOX completely into halides. Water Research 2018, 145, 579–587.
Sun, H. F.; Liu, H.; Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Cheng, F. Q.; Liu, Y. Chemical cleaning-associated generation of dissolved organic matter and halogenated byproducts in ceramic MBR: Ozone versus hypochlorite. Water Research 2018, 140, 243–250.
Gong, T. T.; Zhang, X. R.; Liu, W. Q.; Lv, Y.; Han, J. R.; Choi, K. C.; Li, W. X.; Xian, Q. M. Tracing the sources of iodine species in a non-saline wastewater. Chemosphere 2018, 205, 643–648.
Jiang, J. Y.; Li, W. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Liu, J. Q.; Zhu, X. H. A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs by GAC adsorption of aromatic intermediates from chlorine disinfection: Effects of bromide and contact time. Separation and Purification Technology 2018, 203, 260–267.
Gong, T. T.; Tao, Y. X.; Zhang, X. R.; Hu, S. Y.; Yin, J. B.; Xian, Q. M.; Ma, J.; Xu, B. Transformation among aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts in the presence of monochloramine: From monoiodophenol to triiodophenol and diiodonitrophenol. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51(18), 10562–10571.
Jiang, J. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Zhu, X. H.; Li, Y. Removal of intermediate aromatic halogenated DBPs by activated carbon adsorption: A new approach to controlling halogenated DBPs in chlorinated drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51(6), 3435–3444.
Vlaanderen, J.; van Veldhoven, K.; Font-Ribera, L.; Villanueva, C. M.; Chadeau-Hyam, M.; Portengen, L.; Grimalt, J. O.; Zwiener, C.; Heederik, D.; Zhang, X. R.; Vineis, P.; Kogevinas, M.; Vermeulen, R. Acute changes in serum immune markers due to swimming in a chlorinated pool. Environment International 2017, 105, 1–11.
Han, J. R.; Zhang, X. R.; Liu, J. Q.; Zhu X. H.; Gong, T. T. Characterization of halogenated DBPs and identification of new DBPs trihalomethanols in chlorine dioxide treated drinking water with multiple extractions. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2017, 58, 83–92.
Fang, J. Y.; Zhao, Q.; Fan, C. H.; Shang, C.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, X. R. Bromate formation from the oxidation of bromide in the UV/chlorine process with low pressure and medium pressure UV lamps. Chemosphere 2017, 183, 582–588.
Cai, W. W.; Liu, J. Q.; Zhu X. H.; Zhang, X. R.; Liu, Y. Fate of dissolved organic matter and byproducts generated from on-line chemical cleaning with sodium hypochlorite in MBR. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 323, 233–242.
Liu, J. Q.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, Y. Photoconversion of chlorinated saline wastewater DBPs in receiving seawater is overall a detoxicification process. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51(1), 58–67.
Li, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Yang, M. T.; Liu, J. Q.; Li, W.; Graham, N. J. D.; Li, X. Y.; Yang, B. Three-step chlorination increases disinfection efficiency and reduces DBP formation and toxicity. Chemosphere 2017, 168, 1302–1308.
Li, Y.; Yang, M. T.; Zhang, X. R.; Jiang, J. Y.; Liu, J. Q.; Yau, C. F.; Graham, N. J. D.; Li, X. Y. Two-step chlorination: A new approach to disinfection of a primary sewage effluent. Water Research 2017, 108, 339–347.
Cai, W. W.; Liu, J. Q.; Zhang, X. R.; Ng, W. J.; Liu, Y. Generation of dissolved organic matter and byproducts from activated sludge during contact with sodium hypochlorite and its implications to on-line chemical cleaning in MBR. Water Research 2016, 104, 44–52.
Zhu, X. H.; Zhang, X. R. Modeling the formation of TOCl, TOBr and TOI during chlor(am)ination of drinking water. Water Research 2016, 96, 166–176.
Pan, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Li, Y. Identification, toxicity and control of iodinated disinfection byproducts in cooking with simulated chlor(am)inated tap water and iodized table salt. Water Research 2016, 88, 60–68.
Yang, M. T.; Liu, J. Q.; Zhang, X. R.; Richardson, S. D. Comparative toxicity of chlorinated saline and freshwater wastewater effluents to marine organisms. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49(24), 14475–14483.
Gong, T. T.; Zhang, X. R. Detection, identification and formation of new iodinated disinfection byproducts in chlorinated saline wastewater effluents. Water Research 2015, 68, 77–86.
Yang, M. T.; Zhang, X. R. Halopyrroles: A new group of highly toxic DBPs formed in chlorinated saline wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(20), 11846–11852.
Liu, J. Q.; Zhang, X. R. Comparative toxicity of new halophenolic DBPs in chlorinated saline wastewater effluents against a marine alga: Halophenolic DBPs are generally more toxic than haloaliphatic ones. Water Research 2014, 65, 64–72.
Deng, Z.; Yang, X.; Shang, C.; Zhang, X. R. An electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method for differentiating chlorine substitution in disinfection by-product formation. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(9), 4877–4884.
Zhai, H. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Zhu, X. H.; Liu, J. Q.; Ji, M. Formation of brominated disinfection byproducts during chloramination of drinking water: New polar species and overall kinetics. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(5), 2579–2588.
Pan, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Wagner, E. D.; Osiol, J.; Plewa, M. J. Boiling of tap water: Effect on polar brominated disinfection byproducts, halogen speciation, and cytotoxicity. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(1), 149–156.
Yang, M. T.; Zhang, X. R. Comparative developmental toxicity of new aromatic halogenated DBPs in a chlorinated saline sewage effluent to the marine polychaete Platynereis dumerilii. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47(19), 10868–10876.
Gong, T. T.; Zhang, X. R. Determination of iodide, iodate and organo-iodine in waters with a new total organic iodine measurement approach. Water Research 2013, 47(17), 6660–6669.
Ding, G. Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Yang, M. T.; Pan, Y. Formation of new brominated disinfection byproducts during chlorination of saline sewage effluents. Water Research 2013, 47(8), 2710–2718.
Pan, Y.; Zhang, X. R. Four groups of new aromatic halogenated disinfection byproducts: Effect of bromide concentration on their formation and speciation in chlorinated drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47(3), 1265–1273.
Pan, Y.; Zhang, X. R. Total organic iodine measurement: A new approach with UPLC/ESI‐MS for off‐line iodide separation/detection. Water Research 2013, 47(1), 163–172.
Xiao, F.; Zhang, X. R.; Zhai, H. Y.; Lo, I. M. C.; Tipoe, G. L.; Yang, M. T.; Pan, Y.; Chen, G. H. New halogenated disinfection byproducts in swimming pool water and their permeability across skin. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46(13), 7112–7119.
Xiao, F.; Zhang, X. R.; Penn, L.; Gulliver, J. S.; Simcik, M. F. Effects of monovalent cations on the competitive adsorption of perfluoroalkyl acids on kaolinite: Experimental studies and modeling. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45(23), 10028–10035. [IF 11.357]
Zhao, Q.; Shang, C.; Zhang, X. R.; Ding, G. Y.; Yang, X. Formation of halogenated organic byproducts during medium-pressure UV and chlorine coexposure of model compounds, NOM and bromide. Water Research 2011, 45(19), 6545–6554.
Zhai, H. Y.; Zhang, X. R. Formation and decomposition of new and unknown polar brominated disinfection byproducts during chlorination. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45(6), 2194–2201.
Li, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Shang, C.; Krasner, S. W. Evaluation and improvement of total organic bromine analysis with respect to reductive property of activated carbon. Water Research 2011, 45(3), 1229–1237.
Li, Y.; Zhang, X. R.; Shang, C. Effect of reductive property of activated carbon on total organic halogen analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44(6), 2105–2111.
Ding, G. Y.; Zhang, X. R. A picture of polar iodinated disinfection byproducts in drinking water by (UPLC/)ESI-tqMS. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43(24), 9287–9293.
Zhai, H. Y.; Zhang, X. R. A new method for differentiating adducts of common drinking water DBPs from higher molecular weight DBPs in electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis. Water Research 2009, 43(8), 2093–2100.
Zhang, X. R.; Talley, J. W; Boggess, B.; Ding, G. Y.; Birdsell, D. Fast selective detection of polar brominated disinfection byproducts in drinking water using precursor ion scans. Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42(17), 6598–6603.
Liu, G. J.; Zhang, X. R.; Talley, J. W.; Neal, C. R.; Wang, H. Y. Effect of NOM on arsenic adsorption by TiO2 in simulated As(III)-contaminated raw waters. Water Research 2008, 42(8-9), 2309–2319.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A. Removal of low molecular weight DBPs and inorganic ions for characterization of high molecular weight DBPs in drinking water. Water Research 2006, 40(5), 1043–1051.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A. Formation, adsorption and separation of high molecular weight disinfection byproducts resulting from chlorination of aquatic humic substances. Water Research 2006, 40(2), 221–230.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A.; Barrett, S. E. Characterization of high molecular weight disinfection byproducts from chlorination of humic substances with/without coagulation pretreatment using UF-SEC-ESI/MS/MS. Environmental Science & Technology 2005, 39(4), 963–972.
Zhang, X. R.; Echigo, S.; Lei, H.; Smith, M. E.; Minear, R. A.; Talley, J. W. Effects of temperature and chemical treatment on the formation of bromoorganic DBPs from ozonation of raw waters. Water Research 2005, 39(2-3), 423–435.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A.; Guo, Y.; Hwang, C. J.; Barrett, S. E.; Ikeda, K.; Shimizu, Y.; Matsui, S. An electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method for identifying chlorinated drinking water disinfection byproducts. Water Research 2004, 38(18), 3920–3930.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A. Characterization of high molecular weight DBPs resulting from chlorination of aquatic humic substances. Environmental Science & Technology 2002, 36(19), 4033–4038.
Zhang, X. R.; Minear, R. A. Decomposition of trihaloacetic acids and formation of the corresponding trihalomethanes in drinking water. Water Research 2002, 36(14), 3665–3673.