Mohamed Salah
PhD, University of Toronto
Teaching Activities
CIVL 5550 Modelling Fluid Systems
CIVL 2510 Fluid Mechanics
CIEM 5390 Coastal Structures Design
JEVE 5510 Municipal Hydraulic System Design and Management
Research Projects
Theoretical and experimental investigation of the interaction between a leak and 3D waves in pipes (RGC-CERG, HK$632,421,2018-2021), PI
Blockages in water pipes: theoretical and experimental study of wave-blockage interaction and detection (RGC-CERG, HK$875,000, 2018-2020), PI
Smart Urban Water Supply Systems (RGC-TBRS, HK33,225,000,2016-2021), PI
Investigation of leaks in water supply systems under rapid transients (RGC-GRF, HK645,500, 2014-2017), PI
High Speed P.I.V. system, Research Equipment (RGC-GRF, HK$2,303,646, 2009-2010), PI
Investigation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Sewers & Tunnels (RGC-GRF, 2008-2010, HK$491,906), PI
Investigation of wind-driven Langmuir circulations in coastal eater (RGC-GRF, HK867,105, 2006-2009), PI
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Flow in the Leeward of Islands and Its Impact on Environmental Hydraulics (RGC-GRF, HK$490,000, 1999-2001), PI
Theoretical & Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Friction in Pipe Flow (RGC-GRF, HK$870,100, 1997-1999), PI
Selected Publications
Wang, X., Che, T.C., Camino, G.A., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2021). “Factorized wave propagation model in tree-type pipe networks and its application to leak localization.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 147, 107116.
Wang, X., Che, T.C., and Ghidaoui, M. S. (2020). “Comment on "Bayesian Update and Method of Distributions: Application to Leak Detection in Transmission Mains" by Alawadhi and Tartakovsky.” Water Resources Research, 56 (9), e2020WR027945.
Zouari, F., Nasraoui, S., Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2020). “Transformation between damped and undamped waterhammer waves.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. Accepted. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115706
Wang, X., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Lee, P.J. (2020). “Linear model and regularization for transient wave-based pipeline-condition assessment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 146 (5), 04020028.
Wang, X., Lin, J., Ghidaoui, M.S., Meniconi, S., and Brunone, B. (2020). “Estimating viscoelasticity of pipes with unknown leaks.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 106821.
Wang, X., Lin, J., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2020). “Usage and effect of multiple transient tests for pipeline leak detection.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 146 (11), 06020011.
Wang, X., Waqar, M., Yan, H., Louati, M., Ghidaoui, M.S., Lee, P.J., Meniconi, S., Brunone, B., and Karney, B.W. (2020). “Pipeline leak localization using matched-field processing incorporating prior information of modeling error.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 143, 106849.
Louati, M., Ghidaoui, M.S., Tekitek, M.M., and Lee, P.J. (2020). “Wave-leak interaction in a simple pipe system.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146 (4), 04020013.
Zouari, F., Louati, M., Meniconi, S., Blåsten, E., Ghidaoui, M. S., and Brunone, B. (2020). “Experimental verification of the accuracy and robustness of area reconstruction method for a pressurized water pipe system.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 146 (3), 04020004.
Blåsten, E., Zouari, F., Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Blockage detection in networks: the area reconstruction method.” Mathematics in Engineering : Inverse problems in imaging and engineering science, 1 (4), 849-880.
Keramat, A., Wang, X., Louati, M., Meniconi, S., Brunone, B., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Objective functions for transient-based pipeline leakage detection in a noisy environment: least square and matched-filter.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 145 (10), 04019042.
Keramat, A., Ghidaoui, M.S., Wang X., and Louati, M. (2019). “Cramer Rao Lower Bound for performance analysis of leak detection.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 145 (6), 04019018.
Lam, M.Y., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Kolyshkin, A.A. (2019). “Hydraulics of shallow shear flows - onset, development and practical relevance.” Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 19, 1121–1142.
Lin, J., Wang, X., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Theoretical investigation of leak’s impact on normal modes of a water-filled pipe: Small to large leak impedance.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 145 (6), 04019017.
Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “The need for high order numerical scheme for modeling dispersive high frequency acoustic waves in water-filled pipe.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 57 (3), 405-425.
Mesgari, S., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Formulation of consistent finite volume schemes for hydraulic transients.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 57 (3), 353-373.
Mesgari, S., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Mesoscopic-based finite volume solutions for waterhammer flows.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 57 (3), 337-352.
Wang, X., Lin, J., Keramat, A., Ghidaoui, M.S., Meniconi, S., and Brunone, B. (2019). “Matched-field processing for leak detection in a viscoelasticity pipe: an experimental study.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 124, 459-478.
Wang, X., Palomar, D.P., Zhao, L., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Murch, R.D. (2019). “Spectral-based methods for pipeline leakage localization.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 145(3), 04018089.
Wang, X., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Lin, J. (2019). “Identification of multiple leaks in pipeline III: Experimental results.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 130, 395-408.
Zouari, F., Blåsten, E., Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2019). “Internal pipe area reconstruction as a tool for blockage detection.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 145 (6), 04019019.
Wang, X., and Ghidaoui, M. S. (2019). “Identification of multiple leaks in pipeline II: Iterative beamforming and leak number estimation.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 119, 346-362.
Louati, M., Tekitek, M.M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “On the dissipation mechanism of LBM when modeling 1D and 2D water hammer flows.” Journal of computer & Fluids. Accepted. DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.09.001.
Che, T.C., Duan, H.F., Pan, B., Lee, P.J., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “Energy analysis of the resonant frequency shift pattern induced by non-uniform blockages in pressurized water pipes.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 145 (7), 04019027.
Che, T.C., Duan, H.F., Lee, P.J., Pan, B., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “Transient frequency responses for pressurized water pipelines containing blockages with linearly varying diameters.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 144 (8), 04018054.
Duan, H.F., Che, T.C., Lee, P.J., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “Influence of nonlinear turbulent friction to the system frequency response based transient pipe flow modeling and analysis.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 56 (4), 451-463.
Gray, W., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Karney, B.W. (2018) “Does the Stream Power Theory Have a Physical Foundation?” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 56 (5), 585-595.
Louati, M., Ghidaoui, M.S., Meniconi, M., and Brunone, B. (2018). “Bragg-type resonance in blocked pipe system and its effect on the eigenfrequency shift.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 144 (1), 04017056.
Wang, X., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “Pipeline leak detection using the matched-field processing method.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 144 (6), 04018030.
Wang, X., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2018). “Identification of multiple leaks in pipeline: Linearized model, maximum likelihood, and super-resolution localization.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 107, 529-548.
Zhao, M., Ghidaoui, M.S., Louati, M., and Duan, H.F. (2018). “Numerical study of the blockage length effect on the transient wave in pipe flows.” Journal of Hydraulics Research, IAHR, 56 (2), 245-255.
Duan, H F, Lee P J, Ghidaoui, M. S., Karney, B.W. and Kolyshkin, A.A. (2017). “The influence of non-uniform blockages on transient wave behavior and Blockage Detection in Pressurized Water Pipelines.” Journal of Hydro-Environmental Research, IAHR, 17, 1-7.
Duan, H.F., Meniconi, S., Lee, P J, Brunone, B., and Ghidaoui, M. S. (2017). “Local and Integral Energy Based Evaluation for the Unsteady Friction Relevance in Transient Pipe Flows: WFB and IAB Models.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 143 (7), 04017015.
Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2017). “Eigenfrequency shift mechanism due to an interior blockage in a pipe.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 144 (1), 04017055.
Louati, M., Meniconi, M., Ghidaoui, M.S., and Brunone, B. (2017). “Experimental study of the eigenfrequency shift mechanism in blocked pipe system.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 143 (10), 04017044.
Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2017). “Eigenfrequency shift mechanism due to variation in the cross sectional area of a conduit.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 55 (6), 829–846.
Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2017). “High frequency acoustic wave properties in a water-filled pipe. Part 1: Dispersion and multi-path behavior.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR. 55 (5), 613-631.
Louati, M., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2017). “High frequency acoustic wave properties in a water-filled pipe. Part 2: Range of propagation.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR. 55 (5), 632-646.
Zhao, M, Louati, M., Ghidaoui M.S. and Duan, H.F (2017). “The interaction of multi-dimensional transient wave and a partial blockage in a closed conduit.” Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 56 (2).
Lam, M Y, Ghidaoui, M.S., and Kolyshkin, A.A. (2016). “The roll-up and merging of coherent structures in shallow mixing layers.” Physics of Fluids, 28 (9), 094103.
Ghidaoui, M.S. (2015). “State of the art of defect detection methods in water supply systems.” Engineering & Computational Mechanics, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, accepted. This is an invited paper.
Lee, P.J., Duan, H.F., Tuck, J., and Ghidaoui, M.S. (2015). “Numerical and experimental study on the effect of signal bandwidth on pipe assessment using fluid transients.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 141 (2), 04014074(10).