Recent Faculty and Student Achievement and Awards

1. The Geotechnical Group in the Department of Civil Engineering is ranked number 1 according to the statistics and analysis conducted by the Web of Science on the total number of papers published between January 2001 to April 2005 in the four most prestigious geotechnical journals worldwide, i.e.
(1) Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,
(2) Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
(3) Geotechnique and
(4) Soils and Foundations.

2. Mr. Eric Y W Wong, 2004 MPhil graduate under supervision of Prof. Limin Zhang, won the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers' 2005 Fugro Prize on 15th February 2005. The title of his award-winning paper is "Centrifuge Modeling of Large-Diameter Bored Piles with Defects."

3. The following students are 2004 UG graduates. They won the Institution of Civil Enigneers Hong Kong Association G&S Papers Competition 2004.

Miss Wong Wai Ling -- Award of Merit, Highways, Railways and Transportation Discipline, under supervision of Prof. H K Lo

Mr. Lee Kam Wah -- Award of Merit, Environmental, Hydraulics and Hydrology Discipline, under supervision of Prof. Irene Lo

Miss Lam Siu Kuen -- Best Paper Award, Geotechnical Discipline, under supervision of Prof. Wilson Tang

Miss Chua Shui Ying -- Award of Merit, Geotechnical Discipline, under supervision of Prof. Charles Ng

4. Prof. Hai YANG was the recipient of the 2004 Chinese National Outstanding Young Scientist Award (70425202). 

5. Prof. Moe Cheung has been selecetd as Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in March 2005 in recognition of his notable achievements.

6. Two 2004 UG graduates were selected as recipients of "Final Year Geotechnical Report Award" and the awards were presented to them on 6 May 2005 at the Annual General Meeting of Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong). 

1st Prize Winner: Miss CHUA Shui Ying, Ariel on topic,"Centrifuge and Numerical Modelling of Shielding Effect on Pile in Consolidating Clay" under supervision of Prof. Charles Ng.

1st Runner-Up Winner: Miss LAM Siu Kuen on topic,"Review of Pullout Test Data of Soil Nails in Hong Kong" under supervision of Prof. Wilson Tang.

7. Prof. Yu-Hsing WANG and his co-authors have been chosen as the recipients of the Hogentogler Award for 2005. ASTM committee D18 on Soil and Rock presents this award annually. The award is based on the paper "Resonant Column Testing: The Inherent Counter EMF Effect" appearing in the September 2003 edition of the ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal.

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