Professor Irene Lo - recipient of the 2007 Samuel Arnold Greeley Award

This prestigious award is presented by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to recognize outstanding papers dealing with the design, construction, operation or financing of water supply pollution control, storm drainage or refuse disposal projects. Instituted by the Society in 1968, it has a rich history of noting outstanding published papers in ASCE journals. 

Together with three other professionals, Professor Irene Lo has been selected by the Environmental Water Resources Institute to receive the 2007 Samuel Arnold Greeley Award. The award citation will read: "For the paper, "Field Monitoring of a Permeable Reactive Barrier for Removal of Chlorinated Organics," Journal of Environmental Engineering, February, 2006." The paper's contribution to remediation of groundwater contaminants is highly recognized by the Committee.

For more information ASCE honors and awards, please visit 

Prof. Irene Lo

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