Prof Zongjin Li Awarded Arthur R. Anderson Medal

Prof. Zongjin Li has received the Arthur R. Anderson Medal for his exemplary achievement, groundbreaking research, and service to the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the concrete industry. Prof Li is the first Chinese scientist to receive the medal in its 45-year history.


Professor Zongjin Li with ACI President Michael Schneider


The medal was established in 1972 in honor of Arthur R. Anderson, former president of the ACI, the world’s leading authority on concrete materials and structure. The medal is given for outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge of concrete as a construction material. The ACI particularly commends Prof Li on his “multiple contributions in teaching and research related to concrete technology and methods for producing tougher and more ductile concrete to be used in sustainable infrastructure projects around the world.”

Prof Li’s research on the fundamentals of concrete has not only been innovative but also influential. His most notable output includes achievements in concrete hydration based on electrical resistivity, designing the service life of concrete structures using pore structure assessment, and the induction period of cement hydration using electrical methods, among others too numerous to list. Prof Li has been Chief Scientist of the China 973 National Key Research Project, “Basic Study on Environmentally Friendly Contemporary Concrete”. In 2014, he founded the new conference series “Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Development” for the prestigious Gordon Research Conferences.

Prof Li holds the honor of being one of the world’s most cited scientists. He has published over 400 academic papers and has been invited to speak at numerous conferences. Among his published books, Advanced Concrete Technology is an internationally renowned volume found in many of the world’s libraries, and is often used as a textbook and reference book.

We congratulate Prof Li for the well-deserved award and his unsurpassed achievements.

Professor Zongjin Li with ACI President Michael Schneider
Professor Zongjin Li with ACI President Michael Schneider

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