Prof. Lu Receives RGC Collaborative Research Fund 2021/2022

Prof. Mengqian LU, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been awarded a 2021–2022 RGC Collaborative Research Fund, receiving over HK$6.9 million of total funding. The RGC fund is for the research project “Robust Infrastructure Planning for Sustainable Water Development in the Greater Bay Area under Demand Uncertainty and Climate Variability,” of which Prof. Lu is the Principal Coordinator. The project will commence in June 2022.


Over the next decades the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will see significant growth that requires new investments to ensure that water is available to the right users, at the right time, at the right cost, while conserving the ecosystem. The project therefore aims to support decision-makers by quantifying the benefits of supply infrastructure investment and demand management projects. The collaborative team comprises leading experts in water resources, climate and operation research from HKUST, MIT, Columbia, and SUSTech.


The RGC Collaborative Research Project Grant aims to encourage research groups in the UGC-funded universities to engage in collaborative, multi-disciplinary, cross-institutional research, with a view to enhancing the research output of these universities in terms of the level of attainment, quantity, dimensions as well as impact.

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