Prof Jidong Zhao and his research group received Outstanding Paper Awards

It has been a good year for Prof Jidong Zhao and his research group, with multiple awards received in recognition of their outstanding work.

On 27 April, Prof Zhao and his former PhD student Dr Ning Guo (now Assistant Professor at Carleton University, Canada) received “2018 Outstanding Paper Award” from the Editors of "Computers and Geotechnics”, for their paper published in the Journal in 2013: Ning Guo & Jidong Zhao, The signature of shear-induced anisotropy in granular media. Computers and Geotechnics. Volume 47, Jan 2013, Pages 1-15. Their research was considered to have “made a significant impact on the field of geotechnical engineering”, “based on SCOPUS citations (excluding self citations) for the previous five years, in conjunction with the opinion of Editors” (Award announcement link: Computers and Geotechnics is a top-tier geotechnical journal published by Elsevier from 1985, with an ISI impact factor of 2.358. From 2014, the Editors of the Journal and the Publisher selected 5 most-impacting papers published in the journal five years ago for “Outstanding Paper Awards” of each year. This year is the fifth round of the selection.   

Earlier on 4 February, Prof Zhao and his former postdoc fellow Dr Guilhem Mollon (now Associate Professor at INSA Lyon, France) received “Top 5 cited articles Award” from the Editors of Granular Matter (Springer) for their work published in the Journal in 2013: Guilhem Mollon & Jidong Zhao. Generating realistic 3D sand particles using Fourier descriptors. Granular Matter. 2013, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 95-108. Their paper was among the top 5 cited articles of all papers published in the journal for the period 2013-2014. This paper and their another paper paper published in 2012 (Guilhem Mollon & Jidong Zhao, Fourier-Voronoi-based generation of realistic samples for discrete modelling of granular materials. Granular Matter. 2012, Vol. 14, Issue 5, Pages 621-638) are among the top 5 most cited papers of the journal since 2012 (according to SCOPUS). 

On 27 April, Prof Zhao has also received “2017 Reviewers of Excellence Award” from the Editors of “Computers and Geotechnics” for his valuable contribution to the journal in terms of quantity and quality of submitted review reports (Link:

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