Prof J S Kuang Honoured with HKIE-IStructE Grand R&D Award
Prof J S Kuang has won the Grand R&D Award of the Structural Excellence Award 2017 with colleagues Profs Terry Yuen and BSM Ali. The award was presented by Mr Frank Fan Chan, Secretary for Transport and Housing of the HKSAR Government, on 20 October 2017.
The Structural Excellence Award is presented annually by the Joint Structural Division, founded between the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers, UK. The Award recognises excellence in structural engineering both in R&D and design projects. Prof Kuang and his colleagues received the Grand Award in the R&D category for the remarkable innovation and quality in their work on investigating the seismic performance of masonry-infilled RC frames, among many significant contributions they have made to research on the design and behaviour of concrete structures for seismic resistance.
Prior to receiving the Grand R&D Structural Excellence Award from the HKIE-IStructE JSD, Prof Kuang has earned numerous prestigious accolades including the Telford Premium and the TK Hsieh Award from the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, the HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize (twice) from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and best paper awards in international conferences.
CIVL is very pleased and proud to congratulate Prof Kuang on his outstanding achievements and well-deserved recognitions!