Edited Volume by Prof. Guanghao Chen et al. Wins Best Scientific Book Prize

A book entitled Biological Wastewater Treatment (2nd Edition), edited by Prof. Guanghao Chen (Chair Professor of CIVL), Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht (Delft University of Technology), Prof. George​ Ekama (The University of Cape Town) and Prof. Damir Brdjanovic (IHE Delft and Delft University of Technology), has been selected as the Best Scientific Book published in 2022 by International Water Association (IWA) Publishing. The award was presented at the World Water Congress & Exhibition in Copenhagen on September 15, 2022.

Biological Wastewater Treatment (2nd Edition) was one of six titles shortlisted by the Editorial Boards of IWA Publishing journals for this round of Best Scientific Book prize (for books published in the last two years). Biological Wastewater Treatment (2nd Edition) was the overwhelming winner, garnering over 88% of the votes from the IWA community.

The first edition of Biological Wastewater Treatment, published back in 2008, offered a modern, first-principles approach to wastewater treatment that was based on chemistry, microbiology, physical and bioprocess engineering, mathematics and modeling (as opposed to the empirically-based approach which used to be the norm of the field). The book collected postgraduate-level course materials from a dozen or so academics from around the world on modeling and simulating wastewater treatment plant designs and operations, and went on to become an IWA Publishing bestseller.

Since then, wastewater treatment technologies have advanced and developed a great deal more, and so Biological Wastewater Treatment (2nd Edition) is an updated edition of its predecessor. With this current edition, the editors aim to help young water professionals engage with the scientific and bioprocess engineering principles of wastewater treatment, giving them deeper insight, more advanced knowledge, greater competence and stronger confidence in their field.

Established in 1998, IWA Publishing provides information services on all aspects of water, wastewater and related environmental fields. IWA Publishing includes 17 industry-leading journals within the field and publications including high quality research for academics as well as reference work manuals of practice for professions.

Congratulations to Prof. Chen and his colleagues!

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